is it possible to change the items in EnumProperty -menu (for example when you click a button or do something else)
i mean the same what context.scene.coll.add() /.clear() does with a prop_search.
i need that for an other menu
is it possible to change the items in EnumProperty -menu (for example when you click a button or do something else)
i mean the same what context.scene.coll.add() /.clear() does with a prop_search.
i need that for an other menu
you can supply EnumProperty with a function for the items-parameter, it will be called by blender everytime some could have changed and you can return updated entries.
i tried it with an update function but that did not work.
how can i do this?? a sample code could help.
Are you trying to change the items with the update= or return a list with the items=?
i want to change the items (for example when i press a button)
Here is an example that dynamically examines the scene for groups and populates an Enum with the groups.
def list_update(self, context):
# Update code here.
def list_populate(self, context):
result = []
if context != None:
result.append(("NONE", "None","none"))
for grp in
return result
group_list = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=list_populate, update=list_update)
Here is a simpler setup with fixed values returned to the Enum property.
def list_update(self, context):
# Update code here.
def list_populate(self, context):
result = [('ADD','Add','Adition'),('SUB','Sub','Subtract'),('MULT','Mult','Multiply'),('DIV','Div','Divide')]
return result
function_type = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=list_populate, description="A list of supported math functions.", update=list_update)
i think that this works. but after some change i have a problem.
i use two files: an and another file called
in the second one i have this code now:
def category_choose(self, context):
print ("test")
sel_category = bpy.props.EnumProperty(update = category_choose, name = "Category", items = test_items,
default = 'all')
and in the init-file i tried to put menu into the panel with col.prop(…)
i tried col.prop(context.scene, ‘object_linker.sel_category’)
col.prop(context.scene, ‘sel_category’) as well.
how can i do this right (because no one of theme works for me)
sel_category is not a registered property, you need to register it on an ID type, e.g. bpy.types.Scene
now i have this code in the
bpy.types.Scene.sel_category = bpy.props.EnumProperty(update = object_linker.category_choose, name = "Category", items = object_linker.test_items,
default = 'all')
it uses
test_items = [("all","all","all"), ("test_only","test_only","test_only")]
from my other file called
i tried to add something with append
but that does not work. what do i have to do?
As pointed out by Atom, the dynamic items expects a a function not a list.
One work around is to make the list global and return it from the method
test_items = [("all", "all", "all")]
def list_populate(self, context):
global test_items
return test_items
in another module
bpy.types.Scene.sel_category = bpy.props.EnumProperty(update = object_linker.category_choose, name = "Category", items = object_linker.list_populate,
default = 'all')
(or just define the scene enum_prop in the same module)
As well as the enum_prop update construct you are working on, there is the menu operator construct. Depends on your needs.
that was it, but you made one mistake.
default = 'all'
gave me an error
the error message was
TypeError: EnumProperty(…): ‘default’ can’t be set when ‘items’ is a function
Exception in module register(): ‘/home/linux/blender-2.69-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.69/scripts/addons/object_linker/’
i removed this code and it works now.
AFAIC I made two mistakes, one of which I wont be repeating.