
he you guys,

I was wondering when you finsihed making a pic in blender is there a way to make a jpg or a bmp file of the render cause i always have to use the print screen button

After you render the image, go to FILE>SAVE IMAGE.

You also have to have the output file settings determined in the render options, F10.

Remember to add the proper file extension to the filename when you save it though, (i.e. TGA, JPG, PNG, etc.)


I always wonder why blender couldn’t do that aoutomaticly… :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Aren’t you glad you don’t overwrite past files with test renders? :wink:


I always wonder why blender couldn’t do that aoutomaticly…

I guess most people use the frame render as a detailed preview, and the number of times someone will render an individual frame as a final is pretty low. I guess to the developers it just made sense.

For a while I would use the Render Animiation button and only select one frame to save a final before I figured out that you could do it with F3.