Quick Compo - Addon

Quick Compo is an addon that quickly improve your render with compositing presets

Main features :

  • Add Compositing Presets
  • Customize Presets
  • Save as new presets
  • Import / Export your presets

Launch Price -30% !

Blender Market : SOON
Gumroad : https://abaga.gumroad.com/l/QCompo


Very Nice ! Very good solution for people who do not have the adobe suite

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Hi, I have just purchased your add-on and tried to “copy” its the folder in a Blender portable installation, but its location, which is …\scripts\addons, is harcoded inside the “init.py” file .
All my external add-ons are placed inside a dedicated folder …\scripts\addons_extern folder which is configured in the addon_utils.py file, under …\scripts\modules, I’ve customized. Would you consider to change this behavior in the future using the outputs provided by the addon_utils.py file instead? Or, would you be so kind to let me know how to include that custom folder inside your init file? I hope I was able to explain what I would need. Thank you.

Hello @Harvester. Indeed We were not aware of the possibility to change the addons folder. We will change it in the next update. Meanwhile, you can change it easily. You said you stored your assets in a similar hierarchy except for the “addons” folder named “modules” ? If so, just after the two “addons” strings in the lines 18 and 20 in the init, add 'or “modules” ’ so it looks like this:

for blender_folder_path in bpy.utils.script_paths():
        if "addons" or "modules" in os.listdir(blender_folder_path):
            for file in os.scandir(blender_folder_path):
                if "addons" or "modules" in file.path:

Thanks for bringing this issue to us.

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Thank you very much for your prompt reply. For your information, I am herewith attaching a screenshot of my Blender 3.3 LTS portable “installation”'s folders tree where all my add-ons are placed, as well as the addon_utils.py file I duly modified to access the …\scripts\addons_extern folder. The rows where your can view the changes are 40 to 42 and 148. I hope you might find these information useful. I will test your suggested patch, but I think I should perhaps change “modules” to “addons_extern”? I will let you know.

addon_utils.py_3.3_ver (16.7 KB)

Indeed I misread the first time. it would be “addons_extern” and not “modules”. Since we take the base path of the scripts folder, it should work correctly.

I confirm it works!

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I was too fast yesterday to say that the changes applied were fine because today, at Blender startup, despite the add-on is found and listed properly, it cannot be activated returning these error messages in the console:

and that’s strange. Of course, addon_utils.py isn’t a directory. Please, would you mind having a look at this? Thank you very much indeed.

Hi ! … interesting …
Sorry, i couldn’t understand if the parameters can be animated … it may very well be a silly question …

I have the Adobe Suite … but any solution to get rid of this monkey on my back is welcome …