Hello, new to the community. I started learning blender a few months ago and I wanted to utilize the smoke simulation for a project. However, I cannot get the smoke to look right. For one I keep getting these lines and such (seen in screenshot) and no matter how much adjust the settings it looks blurry. So for the past week I have searched online and tested different settings; I’m rendering in cycles, have the sampling at 256 (tried lower settings with the new denoiser which made it even MORE blurry), In the smoke domain settings I’ve experimented with low and High res divisions, High res checked with 1-4 divisions. Nothing I do can get rid of these errors in the render. Any tips?
I think the resolution is high enough. A lot can be done to make smoke look better by adjusting the volume shader. It boils down to 2 parameters mostly:
- Density
- relative amount of volume scatter and volume absorption (the Color and Absorption Color attributes on the principled volume shader)
What is your setting of Light Paths->Max Bounces->Volume? If it is too low, smoke might get blurry and dark. Usually something between 2 and 5 should be good.
I suspect the line artifacts are from the stepping through the volume along the rays. For high density (as apparently is the case here), it can create block/line artifacts. Try to tweak Render Properties->Volumes->Step Size.