QuickEffect Smoke and Redshift3D

Redshift openVDB-Rendering. Simulation was done in Blender 2.8 with “Quick Effect Smoke” and “add resolution” - function of “2”. Voxel Size in Blender “64”. Sim-Time about 45 Minutes for 500 frames. Then imported as openVDB inside Softimage XSI with the openVDB ICE-Compounds. Rendertime Redshift about 45sec / Frame. For quick&dirty sims Blender is a useful tool, but Cycles is sooooo slow. I´ve tried to render this sequence with Cycles and 4x GTX 1080, but it needs about 30 Minutes per Frame with 4xGPU´s… (click the link "Smoke A Blender 2.8 for Youtube Video)

Smoke A Blender 2.8


Nice test, thx for sharing.

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