Quit Trashing Blender Dammit

Occasionaly when seeking obscure blender knowledge, I will come upon the site of someone who for some reason feels they must trash Blender. hmmm. Among these, I have seen numerous examples of ‘why blender sucks’ in the form of renderings that seem to have been done by themselves, or someone who simply does not know how to use the software. In a couple of instances, for example in a radiosity ‘tutorial’ that i ran across, it would appear that they are deliberately not using it correctly. In the example I saw, simply using the default radiosity settings would have looked WAY better than whatever they did to it. :-? I wish all the complainers would bother to learn how to use it before condemning it. :< I think maybe some of them would prefer a program that simply automates everything and produces a generic result. Grr.

Here here. I love Blender. You can get the same horrible results with 3d max,Maya, Houdini and the latest version wamamamama if someone doesn’t take the time to learn how to use it. I had the same feeling when I was five years old and my hand drawn pencil stick man version of Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong didn’t look it was supposed to, but with time (36 years later to be exact) Neil Armstrong looks more like he’s supposed to :smiley: :wink: Long live Blender and F the detractors.

Being BRAND NEW to the Blender software, I must admit that it is a wee bit overwhelming (O.K. i’m lying, it is VERY overwhelming) there is just sooo much to it. Of course, I realize that is what makes it so wonderful. It allows you to be as creative as you dare to be. I can tell already that the more I “play” with it and the more I learn, I’m gonna fall in love with it!!! As my brilliant instructor M.Thoenes declares “BlendOn!” [!]

well, that’s what happens to all apps …mostly to those who are considered “alternative” …you know how many linux or M$ bashing pages there are our there?!? …well, i’m not surprised there’s some of blender …but i don’t give a foo about bashing sites anymore …even if they’re M$-bashing :] …it’s just plain stupid …just ignore them :smiley: …maybe they’ll go away :roll:

Indeed. My efforts in Maya are hilarious.

In many ways trying it has made me respect people that get the results they do more, since whenever there’s a mysterious inaccessible program, like XSI or Maya, that most of us don’t get to use much, we grow to assume there’s a sort of magic button that does everything for you. The truth is to get much out of one of the big boys you have to put in as much, if not more, than you do to learn Blender, it’s just the initial “where’s the icons?” shock is a bit less apparent.

Still, all non-Blender 3D apps windowing systems give me the shivers . . .

they can trash it because is not as good as commercial applications…

commercial apps are built for commercial uses… blender is limited in that field… but it will get there one day

blender cant compare… its good, but not as good… but will get there one day

On my school, they learn you a little bit 3D max. So my first lessons of 3D max was just an introduction to the world of 3d. Afther that lesson I searched the web for a free software, and I found Blender :smiley: . Afther having 3D max lessons for 1 year, I still couldn’t use all the buttons in 3D max. While I had lessons on 3D max, I also used blender, and when I had to make a scene in 3D max for school, I made the scene in blender, then export it as vrml, and on school I imported it into 3D max. I became crazy when I had to find specifique buttons in 3D max, and blender was much more easier for modeling, subsurf and such things. I had better results in blender then in 3D max. 3D max is also great, but hard to learn all the million or even thousands of buttons, checkboxes and there functions, so blender was soo easy to learn., even the hot keys made blender a faster moderling program than 3D max.

BTW Blender is the best :smiley: Blender rullezzzz, blender only need a raytracer, the game engine back, and some more things for character animation, and it will defently beat 3D max, Maya and much more in the future :smiley:

I love blender too the gui is incredible i love it i wish ever program used something similar especially the gimp.

but a few years ago i reached blenders limits with static particals (tryed to fake fur a teddy) and shodow buffers (my stain glass technique). but since blender went open source these limitations are flooting away. new features faster bug fixes its great :).

it makes me want to learn c++ and program a bevel command (stranger things havent happend yet)

wow, you had the same dream :]

but a few years ago i reached blenders limits with static particals (tryed to fake fur a teddy) and shodow buffers (my stain glass technique). but since blender went open source these limitations are flooting away. new features faster bug fixes its great :).

wow, you were here when blender was still closed-source? …respect

yea, sometimes i feel guilty myself for not knowing to code rescpectfully …but what i know completely suits my needs :slight_smile:

it doesn’t take you much :stuck_out_tongue:


it doesn’t take you much :stuck_out_tongue:


AFAIR the “opening” of blender started less then a year ago, right? …but truth be said, a lot of us nobbie-ish guys didn’t know about blender before it opened up.

i still have the (LinuxFormat) interview with one of the original blender devs concerning opening the source of blender lying around somewhere - that’s how i found out about it :smiley:

p.s. theeth, i like your new avatar :slight_smile:

I’m a proud blender patriot… a blandriot :smiley:

p.s teeth great avatar, whet movie is it from?.

Hey guys!

OK, I don’t use Blender much anymore - but the people trashing it are basically just making themselves look stupid. Sure it has some quirks and shortcomings, but there is not one 3D app on this planet that is 100% perfect. By trashing a very complex software product, they are simply saying that they are not clever enough to use a very capable application.

Just nuke’em… :smiley:

i knew of blender at version 1.6 (the c-key remeber the c key) i started useing it at version 1.8. many many moons ago.

but i have nothing to show for it %| :expressionless:

but im working on that. I know a bit about particals working on realistic fire at the mo im getting close i’ll release the blend when i’m happy. (maybe it can be in the materials libary but i doubt it).

It is probably the funniest thing to kick some 3dsMax-ass with an open source software that weighs 2 mb. Whoever bashes Blender must best be bashed with a Blender Render that makes his Warez render look stupid.

I also think that Blender improves very fast, thanks to the fellow coders. It’s faster than I can learn, and there’s still so much… UV mapping, python, yafray… I love it.

Ontopic: Well, I definately wont be trashing blender anytime soon because there are simply sooooo many features that I haven’t learned and used yet. Nut what are the limits of blender that drive people to look for new software? Just curious. I found out about blender when it was still closed-source. I fell in love with the program and created a table. However, my old computer would not allow for anything more complex. Now that I got my new comp, I’ve been at it for about 8 months.

Offtopic: Steve434, are you finnish or estonian? I recognise the month=kuu and moon=kuu word mistake from other estonians :P…

i’m welsh :slight_smile: i guess “many moons ago” is just a welsh saying or british or somthing.

more ontopic: i think blender is developing faster than ever is that just me ? or does everyone think this. but i would like to see more colour scemes :smiley: please like dark blue background i just find it so much easier on the eyes (yes i know theres other places for this i’ll go there now).

Bash Blender? Ridiculous.

If you don’t like it, don’t use it.

Personally, Blender is an ongoing source of amazement to me! I was just reading about Blender’s NLA - that is SO cool!

All of this, and Blender is only at 2.x - just wait!!! :slight_smile:

No doubt.

Blender rocks the house to the ground, and continues to improve. :smiley:

Definitely has a ‘one-up’ on all the others because of its GUI. :wink:

yeah, if those pretenders would just give blender a chance then they wouldnt be bashing it, i can guarentee you that! you know the only reason they say things like that is because there either afraid or jeleous…blender is evolving at the speed of light now, and plus we have a fantastic community :slight_smile: while at the same time maintaining its freedom…thats what makes them soo afraid ;). hehe, this reminds me of a picture i rendered a looooong loong time ago and i think it really captures all of our feelings towards these “bashers”…