Quite a complicated project for EEVEE and a sort of cathartis for me

I’m starting a project using blender 2.8 to get accustomed to the UI etc. this project is also a way to use a lot of models i created for a videogame that unfortunately never got made (i was just the 3D artist) and finally give them a better resting place than a could storage.

It will be quite complicated as tradition for all my projects since i’m planning to keep all models in mid\low-poly and i will use object space normal maps for details, i also want the scene to be packed with details and to be observable from all kind of angles, let’s see how much time i will need to complete it.

I will also release most models for free at the end of the project to be used for whatever project you have in mind.

I already spent some time on this pistol this week and for being a 29K tris mesh i’m already decently happy with the result.


looking good

is the handle done with normal map ?

still trying to figure out EEVE
it does not really have shadow and reflection
unless adding some lighprobe!

cycles might be easier for now LOL

happy cl

Oh yeah, all the details are done by normal maps and since i’m also using object space normal maps for the geometry, i have quite a lot of textures mixed together in quite a crazy way

I’m also using quite a lot the vertex color feature to mix and reuse shaders even further, this project will be another highly optimized one, luckily i will also be able to push the visual fidelity quite a lot at the end, especially since i’m focusing my efforts in creating a shaders pipeline that will give me the ability to use an effect similar to the one seen in the borderlands 3 techdemo

I’m getting kinda tired of doing photorealistic stuff, i want to create a unique stile that i can identify with, hopefully this project will help me with that too.

Oh boy, i have been finally able to finalize another weapon.

I still need to complete at least a bunch of other weapons to start working on the scene, i’m pretty happy with blender 2.8 but some behavior is strange to say the least, with the left click for selection i can’t select multiple objects with SHIFT+Left click, but it works if i set it to right click for selection, hopefully for the release candidate everything will work as intended, especially because i would really like to go full force on this project on a stable release (crashes are less now but still present)

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Damn this project it’s taking some time, but 3D printing is occupying much of the time i spend on blender so it make sense.

With this project i pretty much stopped using blender 2.7 and started using only blender 2.8, it surely helped me a lot in being comfortable with the new version, which finally as of february 1 2019 it doesn’t crash every 15 minutes anymore. The new viewport is fantastic and having matcaps with random colors and a cavity effect helps me so much when working on smaller parts that need to pop out in the bigger picture and while sculpting details, for now the only gripe i have is that the UVeditor is incredibly slow even if only a single level of subdivision is applied and that i can only zoom when the mouse pointer is on the extreme left of the screen outside of the UV editing space, it’s surely a bug or some unoptimized part of the code but it’s stressing when working on UV layout optimizations.

Ok maybe i enlarged the scope of this project much more than i imagined initially, but i wanted to create an explorable scene with both outdoor and indoor parts after seriously messing around with eevee. The results are pretty damn good and stable but i feel like i’m not pushing the engine to its visual limits even though i’m utilizing everything regarding shading and illumination. if anybody has some advices to get even better results feel free to comment.

P.S: Is parallax occlusion mapping in the works ? i would like to use it

P.P.S: Thanks a lot to Campbell Barton for making the header go at the bottom, i asked for a fix since i’m used to the header staying there and he did it, even if some people think it should not even be an option, it seems to work really well.

So little time, i really want to complete this project, i love the idea of an explorable diorama.

Completing the floor of the scene (i still need to refine and add some feature to the concrete near the doors) really make everything more wholesome, i will probably add a wall to the left since i want focus on the right side of the scene for the outdoor.

I really miss the ability to displace with a parallax occlusion shader\vector, it has to be added, for the rest i seems to be unable to use refractions since it pretty much disables all shadows.

I’m pushing my PC and eevee to it’s limit (crashes are getting more common) but the end result is going to be pretty damn good. The indoor is inside the abandoned bail bond which is being used by the punisher as a safe house in this project, i would like for the volumetric to not get too bright when i get near the light, if anybody has a suggestion on how to do that i’m all ears. At this point i’m also going to make an animation that hopefully will end up looking like well done trailer and in all honesty i wouldn’t mind making the scene VR friendly since it would be pretty cool to explore the map freely.

Honest to god i’m surprised by the quality of the SSS, i’m almost done since i added more stuff indoor\outdoor and i just need to add eyes\clothes\hair to frank castle (does he look like jon bernthal ?)