Radar Bot

Hello! Here is my latest project.

Done for the Wizix-Contest#1 on Discord (https://discord.gg/r5axyfv)

Hope you like :smiley:



Looks pretty good! I’m surprised this hasn’t got more attention.
Is the smoke done with blender’s smoke simulator?

Yep! I would have liked more comments too :relieved: the smoke is added in compositing on Photoshop;) breakdown


I like the environment! However i am assuming you didn’t make the actual robot, after looking at this wizix contest where everyone uploads the exact same robot in different environments.

:thinking: if you observe well, each model is different, just like the environment. so no, it’s actually my modeling and not that of another :relieved:

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You’re #featured! :+1:

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How much of this is real photo :laughing: ?

L-l-love it!

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Looks like it could be right out of Ghost in the Shell world. Very nice.

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this is an amazing work man
i really like the design and the green pants on the legs, are thy sculpted or did you use cloth simulation?

i kinda wonders how did you reflectid the smook on the water ?
also if you can see on the water pool on the right, the smook erased the robot leg, it isnt reflected as in the 2nd render


wow looks like one of those Cyberpunk77 bots. Really great art : - )

is it textured/materialized(LOL) in Blender also?

just two notes here:
first - smoke reflection looks actually much sharper than the smoke itself.
second - blue smoke reflection should be some kind obscured by the bot’s leg reflection which is not present.

anyways I really like the artwork

Best Regards!

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awesome work!

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Why did you use a typical Russian city view as a background? :laughing:

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Because it is a typical Russian robot. :squid:
Also, that looks like basically any city the US has been. Russian cities tend to be less rubble, more rouble.

I saw a work in progress of this in the bevel after boolean add-on thread.
It’s good to see this crawler in its natural environment. :slight_smile:

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@bartv Big Thanks :pray:

@TarkanV it’s up to you to tell me :yum: , it’s hard to judge own work :wink:

@alf0 The reflection of the smoke [and the smoke too] was composed on photoshop :wink:

@alf0 @karab44 thank you both guys, I had not even paid attention to this mistake :woozy_face:

@karab44 the sharper reflection is another mistake due of a bad setup of the Dof , thx :wink:
Grunge/dirt/scratch/decal of the texture are made with Photoshop, Ground texture made with Mixer [Quixel], but the fabric texture has been made by modeling on blender, rendered and composed to get all necessary PBR map :wink:

@Hiisi Because it’s the only good backplate I had on hand :laughing:

Finally, if you have any question, do not hesitate to ask :wink:
And a gif to show the evolution of the model for eventual skepticism :sweat_smile:


Great piece. Really like the mood in it. Where did you get the color checker and spheres? And how did you create the materials for it?