Radial Anisotropic Shading not working properly

Hi guys! I need your help really bad. I normally just google my questions and usually find the answers that I am looking for. But not with this one.

Could you please explain to me why radial anisotropic shading is working on some of my models and not on the other ones?
What should I do in order to fix this?

Thanks in advance!


Probably a problem with the tangent direction… perhaps you need to create a new uv map just to control the tangent.

The issue is the automatically calculated texture space, that is what the auto-generated tangents use and will place the center of reflection in the center of the object’s bounding box.

However, you can go into the data context (in object mode) and disable the automatic generation in favor of manual editing, dragging the values will change the position of the tangents.

Secrop, thank you for your suggestion.

Ace Dragon, I did exactly how you explained it and now it works perfectly. thanks man!

There is a horrible shading problem related to this. I’ve reported it as a bug, but it wasn’t accepted. Tangent is not smoothed/continuous over a UV seam (which you need for radial ones). I think it’s as bad as not having face smoothing happening just because you have a UV seam in place. Workaround was to add geometry or paint, none of which are acceptable to me.