Radial Blur

Hello, I am not exactly sure if that is what you call it, but what I mean is a picture where the center of the pic is focused, while the areas around it seem smudged. I was wondering if this could be achieved with nodes, but I’m very new to them. Any ideas would be appreciated. Heres a pic of what I mean. One thing though, I wanted to make the center and about 20% of the center more or less sharp.
Edit: Oops I didn’t notice the sticky node thread, please excuse me.


Sounds to me like you could be referring to zoom or radial blur. Gimp has filters to add zoom and radial blur. If you make a couple of layers with the same image you could blur/zoom the bottom layer and then make a transparency mask to decide what proportion of the zoomed and unzoomed layers show through.

As for doing this in Blender, you could possibly achieve this using composite nodes with a similar method. Without actually doing it (no blender installed here), here is my proposed method.

Split the “image” node from the render output. One line goes to a radial blur node, and then into a mix node. The other goes directly to the mix node. You will need to have a black and white/greyscale image that plugs into the mix node to determine the transition/ratio of the layers.

Ok, I’ll try both methods, thanks.
(Edit: There is no such thing as a radial blur node…)

Ok, they are still on their way :slight_smile:

A way to pull off a radial blur using existing nodes:

In short:
Capture the vector output of simple spinning plane to a hdr file, then input that into a vector blur on what you want blurred.

More detail:

  • Make a scene with a camera looking flat at a face that’s taking up the whole frame.
  • Animate the plane spinning clockwise (or counterclockwise.)[LIST]
  • set a rotation key on frame 1
  • go to frame 3
  • rotate the plane 10 degrees.
  • set a key.
  • go to frame 2
  • In the render layers turn on “Vec” (for Vectors.)
  • Open and activate the node editor and “Do Composite”
  • Create a file output node"Add, Output, File Output"
  • Change it to OpenEXR (values over 1 are needed for the vector blur input.)
  • Connect the Vec of the scene to file output,
  • Render to create the vector EXR file.
  • Then go to your Scene where you want a radial blur:
  • Create a vector blur node
  • Connect the Image and Z of your scene to the vector blur. (a flat z value is preferred)
  • make a file input,[LIST]
  • select the file the EXR file you created earlier and connect that to the vector blur. [/LIST] [/LIST]…More or less.
    I connect the vector blur output to into another one for better results.

I’ve been working on a much more flexible node setup for doing blurs and smudges:

It doesn’t have to be a radial for example.
watch the video

Informed comments on it would be nice.
If there’s interest I’ll expand it into a proper tutorial.

I hope that works for you.


here’s the .blend

I still have not received any responses to this radial bur method (above)
The point is: no new “radial blur” node is needed. this method is very flexible (video included.)
I have not seen any discussion on this.
Anyone? thanks.