Radial Pyramid bump map - PLEASE HELP

Hi Guys,
I’ve created a few basic bump maps before but cannot get my head around this one, hoping you can help:
I need to create a bump map where there are repeating pyramids scaling out from the center.
There are plenty of linear repeating pyramids so maybe its a case of modifying these?
Or if anyone has any Photoshop tips on creating from scratch?

Here’s a modeled image for reference:

Thanks in advance!

something like this??:

That is pretty much spot on, thanks so much!!
I’ll just need to stretch it in the x and y a little but that’s close enough.

Is there anyway you can upload that file?

Stretching is done by using the UCount and VCount value nodes (the green ones).
Note that at least the UCount should be an integer, to keep the radial continuity. Any float value will create seams.
radial_pyramid.blend (591.8 KB)

I will have a play this evening but thank you very much for the quick response!
You have saved me and my laptop a LOT of heart ache!