My version of a radioactive vial container. I know the render has some noise in it, I’ll probably have to re-render at higher samples, these were done at 3000 samples.
It’s an interesting concept you have there, and it looks really good! I like the label you have there. It adds a lot of detail and realism to the render. The green fluid in the vials also help bring attention to it, and definitely looks dangerous - I wouldn’t want to touch it.
I have a lot to say about radiation, however:
I’m not too sure that radioactive materials should be contained like that, though. It looks more of a biohazard than anything.
Usually, radioactive materials are placed in very dense and opaque containers:
The only other thing is the lack of a handle on the container. Usually, radioactive materials should be handled carefully, and no handle means someone may have to carry it around with their arms wrapped around it, hugging it. That is not a good idea when it is radioactive.
But, your artwork could always be some futuristic sci-fi technology, which does have materials like this. And in this case, you can disregard what I just mentioned.
Thanks a lot for commenting, I like this kinda input and I’m glad you think it looks good!
I tend to do some research when I’m making this kinda stuff and I agree with what you mentioned about the realism of radiation. I considered several times whether or not to attach a handle, to put the glass windows in or to make it thicker. I thought it would’ve appeared very boring without the windows and I’m still thinking about that handle lol.
As for the color, I stuck with the “Hollywood green glow” since it’s easily appealing to general viewers and can easily be associated with “radiation”. It was blue at first but my friends didn’t like it ~they all said to make it green.
I said this to myself when I was making it; the container material is future tech so it’s “safe” haha.