Radiosity and phong (specular) highlights.

With all the recent posts about radiosity, I thought I’d share my own technique for using radiosity and phong (specular) highlights.

My old image:

More info is avaiable on my site.

nice work! I enjoyed your realtime demo. :slight_smile:

I remember these thanks for posting them again along with the information on your site on how you did them. Now that I am exploring radiositiy again I appreciate the information. Good to have your site book marked again I lost alot of the sites I used to visit when my drive failed but slowly but surely am getting them back. I always did like your torus knots.


Very nice images.
I also took a look at your animations and there is one thing I would llike to know: how can I use blobs as particles?


such nice work with such old version of Blender …rocks !!

I don t know what blobs are, but i know that you can use ecvery Object as Particles.

I don t know what blobs are, but i know that you can use ecvery Object as Particles.

Blobs are metaparticles. How can I do it (use object as particles)?

I think you add a metaball (after you have your particle emitter how you want it) and parent the metaball to the particle emitter. Go to anim buttons and select dupliverts. (Note: I haven’t done this myself with metaballs).

Thanks for the comments, guys.

To make a fountain, just set up a plane as a particle emmiter. Then add one blob to the scene and parent it to the plane.

Thaks for the answers, guys! Helped a lot.

Boys, I’ve tried that… You must use LOTS of particles… and metaballs are SLOW…
