Radiosity tutorial - template

Hi. I used a template from the ol Blender site to make a new tutorial on faking GI. It’s not on my main page yet because I have to update the style to reflect more consistancy. Anyway here it is: I am mostly doing this for first impressions and spelling checks. Also if something is blatently wrong please tells me! Thanks guys.


Oh, and here is a link to my other post that inspired me to do this:

well, first thing. I think you’re confusing RADIOSITY in blender with Global Illumination, they are too entirely different things.
also, there is ALREADY a tutorial on this I’m sad to say. and It use a much easier method to do the same setup.
too bad you spend so much time on this. It; s still a nice tutorial though, but it’s better to learn tracking with then faking GI.


ps. sorry I f I sound a bit harsh, I don’t mean to

Actually I didn’t know that GI and Radiosity weren’t the same thing. I feel dumb. Oh well. It only took me like 30 mins to write. I’m bored anyway. I’ll make it about tracking. And I could never make the dupliverts method for faking work. So that’s why I do it this way :). Thanks, though and you didn’t sound harsh.

well,weren’t there only a tutorial for the dupliverts thing?
Maybe,I’m wrong,but i think i never saw this method…

This is basically dupliverts by hand. I never could get dupliverts to track the normals right so I just gave up and did it by hand. But Goofster is right about the GI vs. Radiosity thing. I got them mixed up mostly because I never use them.

tut is interesting… just swithc ‘radiosity’ to GI and all will be happy :smiley:


Huh? Read the above posts. My tute was about GI but then I found out that I really meant radiosity. I am confused.


/me too is getting confused now…

Radiosity: A technique in which patches shoots photons with their distinctive color to neighbouring patches. An object which is white but next to a blue plane illuminated gets a light blue tint where appropriate. Radiosity is very natural, it gives smooth shadows and lights, allows you to use true area lights and so on. It is an iterative technique in which photons are shoot and bounces around. There are tuts on radiosity, I’d bet the last one I read was by theeth

Global illumination: A technique in which light come from any direction simuating environmental light in a more realistic way (casting shadows for example) but not mixing colors and so on, but shadows and lights can get smooth. There are at least two tuts, one is by mysef herm on my site, and uses only spots. The other is by hannibar (if I remember well) and uses hemis (this is computationally cheaper, but shadows are not so good :wink: ).

For MHPOW you are doing GI, not radiosity :slight_smile:


ping for later

Do hemis cast shadows? I was under the impression only spots did.

I agree that fake GI using spots cretes great smooth lighting and shadow.

No, hemis do not, you must add a single/multiple spot for that, that’s why shadows are a little worse…
