"Radius" for Plane/Cube and "Size" for UV Sphere ? A little clarification please ;p

When you drag out a plane and it says 1m radius, does that mean it is 2m in length ?
When you drag out a circle and it says size is 1m, is it talking about the diameter ?

Who is the genius developer who thinks it’s a good idea to use radius for plane/cube creation and “size” for spheres ?

When I drag out a sphere with size = 1m and a plane with radius = 1m and they BOTH looks the same size, what is going on here ?

What is the actual length of the plane then ?
2 meters ?

What is the ACTUAL LENGTH of a plane with a radius of 1 meter ? 2 meter right ?

What is the ACTUAL radius of the UV Sphere that was dragged out with a size of 1 meter ? 0.5 meter right ?

Who is the genius developer who thinks it’s a good idea to use radius for plane/cube creation and “size” for spheres ?

in the tool panel size is identified a radius which is sort of misleading

for object’s dimensions look in the N panel
it will be 2 = this is the object size
which is maximum size in X Y and Z
does not matter what the shape is

radius does make sense for a circle or a sphere in tool panel
but not for other shapes

happy bl

one note here
in 2.8 the object panel shows the object size as = Size and not radius

so I guess this was corrected in 2.8 !

happy bl