Railroad to Heaven

maybe you should make some hills with your grass and add a image clouds BG?

keep at it!

What do you guys think of this kind of shot with a modeled train of course the picture is just a placeholder :slight_smile:

and hills would be good, everythikng looks really flat right now

EDIT: Maybe trees like this??

Train looks awesome; that would be perfect placement if you were to include it.

The trees would break up the landscape a bit, but don’t place them where you have them now; two on each side of the picture. It is bad composition. I’d keep the one on the left where it is but move the one on the right back and away from the edge of the frame. But it’s your choice on the placement of the trees.

There’s actually a second on the right side that I had just fixed after I rendered cause I saw it was out of frame but I have to go now so I’ll show you guys later but thanks for all the input it has been very helpful!

There we go, so now it’s not as symmetrical let me know what you think!

The tree that is still bordering the left hand side should be either moved back alot (distance). Currently it is still on the same depth plane as the others, and doesn’t look right.

Are you planning to add a train? Because if you do, that tree will be blocked from view. Adding a train will also cancel out the weighting on the right hand side that tree on the left hand side is currently trying to remove.

Love the grass overgrowing the tracks.

(By the way, you don’t have to add a train. It is a lot of work to model something that complex)

Try adding some colored directional light, preferably a yellowish shade, and brighter than whatever the existing lamp is.

@ Sam M, I’m always open to challenges :slight_smile: so yes i am adding a train and I will move the tree, BTW what do you guys think of the trees as trees? I made the models a while back and didn’t get to mush response on them

@ PlantPerson, I had one before actually, a spotlight with a very light yellow halo coming from the clouds but I removed it, I dont know why haha but I’ll add it back in, thanks!

The trees are great, though the leaves look a bit spiky.

Alright I’ll try to fix that , thanks!

P.S. It really makes me GLaD that you guys are helping so much (I’m sorry I’ve been really into Portal lately)

Hey how you? Check it out…
There is an old trick called Tree Cards where you take a picture of a Tree with a black background
put the texture on a plane and turn on Alpha and turn it down to 0. What happens is the background
becomes transparent so all you see is the tree. Get like 4 maybe 5 tree images like that and randomly place them at
the point where the sky meets the ground and it will look like there is a forest far away.

As far as where to get the tree images try Architecture resource sites or other 3D texture sites.

Hope that helps you.
Keep working on this and don’t give up.

No, that’s not what I meant at all. I meant something more along the lines of a Sun lamp.

Nice idea!

In my opinion the leaves of the trees are way to heaped at the branches, but it gets better and better!

@PlantPerson, I had those to actually, all my lamps were colored but I just put them back to white for now

@Sebastian, Thanks I’ll take note of that :slight_smile:

Awesome concept, and I really like the idea that it’s never been used. That really sends out a symbolic message. And I really like where you placed the train, it’s like the first train to heaven I guess :wink: amazing

Try some trees in the bg to add some depth, I’m not a fan of the foreground trees, especially if you put the train in. Try adding some cloud shadows/light areas on the ground to imply the heavens a bit more.

I sure will jay and thanks missmajor! Right now I’m getting distracted by my house elf project and a game I’m helping with but i definitely think i’ll come back to this soon when i have more time to model the train