I downloaded the Rain V2 model from here, watched the demo video. Impressive what can be done with the rig.
Playing with it there seems like a ton of things on this for who knows what spread throughout almost all the layers available plus a ton of custom scripts that can’t be gotten rid of short of exporting the meshes as obj. Has anyone been able to makes heads or tails of all the stuff in there or know of some place that has more info of the tons of stuff in there?
Well it’s a very complicated rig, so I personally would probably not use it as I prefer taking simpler rigs and then adapting them to my own needs. Depends on your goal. If you need a rig done, there are more optimal options imho, such as the free/included Rigify and the paid, but excellent AutoRig pro.
I do agree the Rain rig seems drastically over complicated. I feels like the rigs I make have just as much control with 100x the simplicity and 10x faster to use. I’m not looking for a rig. I want to know what is in the Rain rig because seeing it makes me think I’m not understanding some big parts of rigging in Blender. If I am missing some big things I’d like to learn what they are.