"Rainy Street"

Hi Guys,
The story behind this image comes from my every day experience during this winter.
Contrasts are low, and yet some colors reveal different tones especially when it rains.
This street doesn’t exist. I wanted to play with the cobblestone texture and build my scene arround it.

(Thanks to “AP” for his help and tutorials)

Need some crits.

Modeling, texturing, render (Cycles) on Blender 2.6.
Touchup editing (glare and people) Gimp 2.8.

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Not bad, I really like the road and the foreground in general. Your background is a bit bad thought.
The buildings in the background espacially. I gest some fog (you can add it in the compositor watch this ) it`s easy and effective.
Other than that, play with colors and try to change some buildings to have different colors in the foreground, just like in the background. And try to play a little bit more with colors and contrast in general. (perhaps add a color balance node in the compositor and play a bit with it)

I agree with AlinB, I also think you overdid the glare on the cars’ headlights and the leaves are all lying to flat on the grass.
For the sky I would try using a less blueish and more grey texture, just as and experiment and see what fits the mood of your scene better.
But I think you did a great job on the wet-street !
Good modelling and good render as well, but with a little but of work you can give it just that little bit more :smiley:
Good luck!

Yep, shot layout and modelling is very good, now got to capture the mood. I agree with AlinB, that the picture would benefit greatly from more contrast. Try to exaggerate the differences between bright and dark parts of the image. Some haze/fog can also help, as that would seem natural for the weather conditions. Seeing as there is someone walking around with an umbrella I think it is still raining? Do you intend to add rain in post processing?

Couldn’t resist and played a bit with the image in PS, i hope you don’t mind :slight_smile: Obviously the rain could be done a lot better :smiley:

Download the .psd: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/210598/ScooterMarin_BA.psd

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Some good contrast node, color correction, color balance, wet/rain overlays on the camera and this would be perfect

wow. nice first post and welcome…
other than what other people have mentioned, that grass seems really flat. It should probably have the ground higher in the middle, and the grass itself could be more random and more varied. (or are you using a texture there?)

@ AlinB: Thanks. You’re right about the background. I should work on that mostly. I did add a color node. Perhaps I didn’t find the right tone yet.
@ Ristridyn: Thank you. I aù trying a few variations for the sky.
@ LiMuBei: Danke. Great man! It reminds me of the Gotham City mood :slight_smile: Actually, I did a mistake naming my picture “Rainy Street” I should have named it “Weet Street”.
@ Caleb: You’re right. Thanks. I didn’t mean to do rain. My mistake. I’m trying the idea.
@ ctdabomb: Thank you. Goo call for the grass! I’m trying that.

Hi guys.
Again, thank you for your feedbacks.
Here is the list of the crits source of the modifications:

  • leaves direction on grass
  • leave texture
  • grass more reflexion
  • leaves in the air, falling
  • woman on left, umbrella too bright
  • audi motion blur
  • audi leaves sucked by the air speed
  • grass higher in the center
  • big building left texture
  • lighting a bit “flat”
  • building lights more diffuse
  • bricks too repetitive
  • cars reflexions
  • more fog in background
  • overall color balance
  • desaturate building colors
  • cars glare too bright

I changed the building texture to emphasize the low part with wet, new view angle, new lighting, worked on the trees textures, new subject with the “Blender Hotel” as main subject.

Here is the latest try:


Is my monitor wet? Your street looks really good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a good wet reflection in a 3D image before. This scene reminds me a lot of the famous 3D image by Gilles Tran called “The Wet Bird” . I think the camera angle in the latest image may be more natural, but the lighting seems more correct in the earlier scenes. Usually the tops of buildings look grim during the rain. I guess your image is after the rain though so the lighting may look a bit unnatural. The problem is, I can’t tell in the latest scene whether it is day or night. The bottom of the scene looks like nighttime and the top looks like sunset or something. For instance, the Mini looks too dark or something, almost like its from a different scene.

The modelling and texturing looks fine, but the lighting is almost non existent. I would suggest a light from either the top right or left, as well as lights from the shops reflecting off the stones. Right now it looks way too flat. Also, the sky right now is the part my eyes are immediately drawn to, so try to put the focus on another aspect like the road, shops, or the cars.
Looks like a great start, I really want to see this improve.

My take is that this should be a night scene, from how nice the glare and the reflections look. So I would make it a night sky and really play up that Main street at night time feel you have going now. Tree bark looks really flat, is there any bump mapping? The audi’s motion blur is also a tad overpowering, I would reduce it a bit. Really love the improvements to the grass and the leaves though, great scene overall.