I saw this thread response when you posted, but did not have any time to “play” with it, so now I tried, and I can’t get it to work, as I understand it. I would like to use nodes to use several hand drawn textures on a surface appear, with the dark dense texture in the shadows, and the lighter one on the highlights. It would be best if these could be set to a particular light in a scene, or an incidence angle. In Lightwave, I can specify which light to reference, and set a texture node ramp. I can’t seem to find any answers on how to do this in Blender. I have a ColorRamp plugged into the Color input of the Texture Node, but can not seem to understand how to substitute a drawn texture for a color spot on the Ramp. Any assistance will be appreciated, I will post results.
I appreciate the effort and .blend file, but it may need some “image” files to complete the understanding as starts up, but the CommandWindow spits out the following:
Compiled with Python version 2.5.2.
Checking for installed Python… got it!
Detected GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
Detected GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
Detected GL_ARB_multitexture
Detected GL_ARB_shader_objects
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_shader
Detected GL_ARB_fragment_shader
Detected GL_ARB_vertex_program
Detected GL_ARB_depth_texture
Detected GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
unable to initialize image(0) in MAMaterial.001, image will not be available
unable to initialize image(1) in MAMaterial.001, image will not be available
unable to initialize image(2) in MAMaterial.001, image will not be available
and it renders black and the ColorRamp doesn’t seem to indicate how this is going to work. So, thanks again for the effort, yes I am still curious. I will try to post an example from the Lightwave side so it is clearer, if there is any question.
That is Aqusis garbage. I tried using Mosaic for a while and integrated it into my default settings. I forgot about that, I may have to reset, somehow, and the recreate my basic setup.
You can use any images you want as long as the normal map is truly a normal map. The blend became too big if I packed the maps.
Here is a simple example from Lightwave. Yes, it is simple, just a variety of shapes to test out the shading model. Hatching like effect, with lines. Lightwave doesn’t allow a thick-thin line like I want to, but Blender Freestyle does, but Blender doesn’t allow the hand drawn shading effect like this, so, I struggle…