Random black dots, when rendered heightmap

I m creating heightmap for open source spring RTS engine (http://springrts.com/ ). I have setuped blender to render black at very bottom and white in front via material and texture with black and white color ramp depending on height, but on renders there is very few black dots out of nowhere antialiasing kinda half-solves this, but it adds even more similar but not correct color dots. While they might be unoticeable in animations in heightmap they result in some deep holes…

Since I need 16bit heightmap (rendering to 16bit tif) I cant fix those dots from gimp since it do not support 16bit per channel :confused: I also had tried to fix from gimp then blur image with imagemagick to 16bit, but it do not look as great as it straight from blender.

I attached heightmap.blend if someone has ideas why renderer ads those black dots out of nowhere I will be grateful :slight_smile:


heightmap.blend (256 KB)

Oh lol stupid me, forgot that blender has internal image editor and it does support 16bit per channel… Anyway if someone knows reason why those black dots appears in the first place I would be thanful, since no reediting would be needed, on other maps :slight_smile:

Did a quick render from you’re blend and didn’t see any specific black dots springing out at me. Attach a screenshot showing them so it’s clear what the problem is. By the way you have soem double vertices you should remove if it wasn’t intentional

Dunno how I left those double vertices, remove double vertices can be safely done and images below are with remove doubles applied.

Without AA here is very few, but completely black pixels

with AA there is wrong color pixels, they are very hardly noticeable to eye, but in game heightmap they cause unatural spikeholes. And weird part is they are not symetrical, because map is mirrored. Same top left “hand”, I recomend take picture and zoom with something.

By the way they are not completely random, if mesh is not modified same black dots appear in same place.

this post shouldnt be here…

Try increasing the render subdivision modifier level
Screenshot of level 5 vs level 3


They might disapear from one place to another, I tried with 4, and with 5 I have no enough ram… Also tried diferent antialiasing settings.

Subdivision level 6 seems to get rid of them, none of the artifacts seen when used as a displacement texture.