Random bug with giant geometry during render

Hello here,
I have a scene which randomly bug when I render it :
Sometime a big object apear and give me an horrible render :

and if I render the scene again (without changing anything) I can have a correct render:

Since the problem randomly apear, I have no idea how to find the bug or to correct my scene. Does anyone has already has the same problem, and does someone can give me an advice to correct the problem?

The #1 cause I see of unreliable results in a render or animation is dependency cycles, whether in drivers or constraints.

Open the system console, and check for a message like this:

Dependency cycle detected:
  OBCone.001/TRANSFORM_FINAL() via 'Track To'
  OBCone.001/TRANSFORM_CONSTRAINTS() via 'ObConstraints -> Done'
  OBCone/TRANSFORM_FINAL() via 'Track To'
  OBCone/TRANSFORM_CONSTRAINTS() via 'ObConstraints -> Done'
Detected 1 dependency cycles

If you see such a message, that means two objects in your scene mutually depend on eachother in some way, and that can cause unreliable results when Blender has to choose how to break the dependency cycle (e.g. by instead of following the dependency chain from leaves to root, by instead updating objects in file order; the order they were created).

If you do not see something like that, other possibilities include driver bugs (e.g. sometimes a corrupted vertex buffer puts geometry into places you didn’t expect it to), but your undesired result screenshot looks a little too stably-consistent for that… unless that first image just represents a wrong result, and you’re actually getting a uniquely wrong result every time it happens?

Thank you for your reply.
infortunatly, there is no error message in the console log.

I obtain a random result for each render :

I have upgrade my drivers but that hasn’t solve my problem, and I haven’t same problem with my others scenes.

sorry, but without seeing any of your technical settings - we can just guess. So i would recommend you provide your blend file. thx.