Random Helix

Hello I m trying to model this lamp with this random helix and the model is not working with a spiral on starting point becausa the lamp have a lot os random curves.
Any suggestions on this ?

This work is important and any help is really welcome.

you could start with a spiral curve and then use a bevel plane

then start playing with scale and moving around changing angle rot ect to deform it

happy bl


Hey Ricky, glad for your feedback!

I m tryng play around with helix (3D) , and deform the path to give the exacly design and find a in sculpt mode that ist possible draw by hand but its been hard.

i will try your advice now, your exemple seems more accurate

not an easy 3D model !
will need a lot of tweaking to get a nice model

you can select one section and start playing with scale Shift Z and rot
then tweak the 2 ends to have smooth transition
but should work

happy bl

these forms are kind annoying, and the client wants this in solidworks, but I’m slowly getting there with blender

Thanks for the help

is it for printing in 3D or just a render ?

happy bl

If your clients is asking for a SolidWorks model that means they are expecting a nurbs surface, which you cannot export from Blender.

At best, the mesh would only provide a reference which would have to be rebuilt in SolidWorks.

Additionally, they are most likely expecting a developable surface, meaning is can be flattened accurately to 2D for cutting in sheetmetal. This is not the same as UV unwrapping, which typically distorts the surface that is flattened.

Makes sense, my ideia was export in obj to solidworks and try convert to sheepmetal.

They want a 3D file and render.

This product is giving me headaches. But I still have some time to readjust the best way to do this.

you can get flat UV surfaces using the Paper addon
but it will be either curve or mesh object
you might be able to do it with some Nurbs curve
but have not tested it !

happy bl

Got close with simple sub-d modelling

sconce.blend (726.2 KB)

1 Like

Heyyy yeah pretty close, and really good…
I got this result with the same sub-d and work really well and was really quick after i understand the the shapes of the product.
I m working now on a cool render. i think this is a good hammer texture and is close to the real onw. What you think?

can you show other views so we better see the 3D shape
or add an animated GIF may be

what is the hammer nodes set up for this ?

looking good

happy bl

Hi. Of course ricky.
The hammer texture is nearly close of the real product. i had the oportunity to see this lamp and the real texture have a little squares made by hammer. Maybe in final render, i will change the normal texture dots to a square shapes. If you have some advice, go ahead!

never seen a fixture like that strange shape
is it with LED ?
must be an expensive one

where is this sold I mean country LOL

happy bl

man this have 48cm and cost 1500€ because its all hand made for a Craftsman
this design belongs to a portugal furniture company and they are on luxury market selling at all major furniture fairs. they have some cool designs with stranges shapes.

Thanks for your feedback
Bruno Silva

it is a unique piece and expensive !

are you going to use the paper addon to unwrap and get the flat version for cutting I guess?

not certain how they are going to bend this thing with the right shape !

but this is an interesting challenge for blender

happy bl