Randomize a simple plane

Hello blender friends, how are y’all doing?

I’m currently working on doing a mosaic. To do that, i just need to put these planes in a way that mimic the tiles, like in the image above. The thing is, i don’t want every tile (plane) to look the same. In this image i had to alter one by one and this takes forever to make. I was wondering if there is a way to automatically randomize a bit the plane every time i duplicate it, so my only job would have to position the tile where i want to. I tried using the randomize option in the mesh editor but it takes a lot of time to do the same process over and over again. Can anyone help me with that?

Thanks :smiley:

you could first make a lot of planes, then use the randomize functions like this:

randomize planes

At the end i used S Z 0 to flatten the planes in z-axis - just in case you need that.


You can always also join all your planes and apply displacement modifiers with a cloud texture applied to the X and Y axis of the new object, so it will create the randomization you need.
You could even do this to the whole surface after filling it with similar planes, You just need to create a vertex group to spare the outside vertices from the modifier changes.

You could have this in just a few minutes.

And the best is that if you are not satisfied with the result you don’t need to do it all again. You can just adjust the sliders of the strength of the displacement modifiers for the X and Y axis and have completely different results. Or you can change the kind of texture you use for the displacement and have even more variations.


This is a perfect case for Geometry Nodes:

PathTiles.blend (1.1 MB)


Thank you everyone, this was very helpfull actually :smiley:

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