Randomize UV coordinates for wood planks?

Hi there

I am looking in a simple not too labor intensive way to randomize the UV position of a wood texture
on wood plank objects.

The goal is to model the wood plank floor out of maybe individual objects but let a randomizer adjust
the UV coordinates for the wood texture.

I found this quite interesting video about using drivers:

And I found this pretty impressive add-on as well.

But the labor needed to set those up seems to be a bit high and I would like to be able just to randomize the material because unlike with the floor generator I might would like to build different floor layouts besides linear/parallel planks.

A different options would be to swap out the actual texture so you can create 10 20 different wood textures and let the material by random pick a texture.

For example as you can see in this test the problem is that the UV image edges do not line up with the geometry edges. And in case you can swap out the images you simply can focus on modeling beveling and making geometry patterns and the texture variation will be random.

This is virtually the same as your except I have shrunk the uvs down and used a larger image (more board real estate) But basically I just divide the random first to make sure it won’t be pushed out of uv space. I also made the floor using a particle system emitting from verts with no randomness, because an array will make carbon copies. You can scale in edit mode on x and y to adjust board spacing. The boards are simple stand ins, planes plus solidify and bevel. I sort of exaggerated the spacing here so it wouldn’t appear like one board with a seam.

Blend: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0b2rw6xkvbzginp/wood-11-packed.blend