I have this flower, and I want to place it all around a field using a Particle System. And I’m curious, when I use the particle system to copy the flower, is there any way to randomize the position of the IK bone across each flower in such a way that every flower looks different?
This is not how you want to do this. Having hundreds or thousands of armatures will slow your system to <1 FPS instantly, if it doesn’t immediately crash. Take the armature out of the picture and make flower variations angled how you want, stick those in a collection, and scatter that
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You’ll get a good end result if you just use curves and instances (with GN, particles, etc)
But IK’s in such a situation, just as @joseph said, is far from ideal.
You could try to have just a few IK’s here and there and interpolate the curves/particles based on thee… (it might work, but I never did it before)