Changed stuff
Redone foredome/Forehead of skull.
increased width by back of cheekbone to ear
redid parietal hair mesh underlay, right and left.
redid widows peak -
adjusted forehead, and slope. redid cheeks
redid parietal hair mesh. redid lower hair mesh
added more sheen and specular to face
not happy with current mouth. seeking a straighter more determined expression of lips
knocked shine off leather coat and amped up pebble grain.
I’d rather have a cracked leather look, but not sure how to tackle it.
finessing small forms around brow ridge and eye orbits.
made skull foredome more defined and angled.
Moved the bony mass above each eye forward more.
Eyes are a bit “starey”
Sharpened the transition at the edge of outer eye orbit, where tissue makes a hard turn back towards the temple.
tightened the line of the mouth, and defined lower lip more. It’s not there yet, though
Receded the hairline and made widow’s peak more prominent.
Hair sill intersecting ear, but that’ll get fixed later
Tucked in facial cheek mass in behind mandibles more.
rebuilt lower part of face, over anatomical model with all ligaments, tendons, muscle groups, to gain a more realistic underlay beneath the skin.
nose is a bit bulky. Bridge needs pared down
transition under outer zygmoid needs smoothing
scalp hairs and transition is stark. needs more random hairs. **
reduced nose bulb.
A few changes
view from left
added world illum back at .2 strength
one sun overhead - str 12 (key) shadows . 01
one sun forward - str 1.5 shadows .01
added transparent outer layer to eyeball - using principal-led shader and transparent shader
dropped down back side of chin. So the chin is more level before the jawbone angles up.
new head didnt get it. new beard was too “furry” Like mutton chops.
So merged older version and newer version …
eyes are a little pale.
Gauntlet is a simple diffuse texture.
different gauntlet texture and mesh.
Hair with more of a rough factor in crown locks and widows peak. Helps lay the strands tighter together and closer to the head
Not bad …
some inter-sectional plane issues. texture weaknesses, depth of field background issues, no dirt or moss on the rock. but … I like the feel …
I call this … Endless Brow management. Cause the brow is important. That’s where recognition of an individual begins. “through The Outline of the Brow and eyes”
And now I have to rebuild the eyebrow mesh.
A little refining
/reworked the eyebrows . Prior, I wasn’t capturing the curve of the brows completely.
reduced the brow overhang above the eyes.
Cheek bones were refined using the skull bones of the zygmoid region under the skin to push verts around on.
cheek creases. made them more vertical, Don’t know why, but I had sculpted in a serious rake angle of the crease back to the jaw heel.
I like the forms better …
brought temple regions in a bit more, which emphasizes brow ridge as well
extended upper eye lid to overlap at outer corners
added the canthus tissue mesh at outer eye corner.
Squared the chin more
pulled lower lip in more
added the skin pore normal with a multi res at level 3
Not being funny mate, and this may have been said before (this is a huge post), but 2 years is a long time to be working on one picture.
I know you want to get it perfect but, you know what, it is never going to perfect.
I think the quote is attributed to Da Vinci: ~Art is never finished, only abandoned.
You’ve learnt a lot by working on this. Maybe it’s time to try applying that to something new and fresh. Amazing what you can learn by trying something anew.
Hope you understand I’m trying to help here…