Ranger Scout

This post pulled, too ambitious render. Didn’t look good the next day.

working window renders.
Reworked the forehead planes, outer eye orbital bone planes, and beard,

good ground gained …

adjusted and broadened crown of skull. Smoothed the outer eye orbit. Adjusted hair, increasing part and

a little more taper towards center of forehead

Resorted to Lighting with a single sun, way high up, strength 18 - size .9

broadened forehead windows
increased taper to crown of head
Pulled whole mandible and chin region forward more
Cleaned up chin
adjusted mouth and upper lip region
cleaned up eyes
smoothed head mesh - overall - one time

To do -
eyebrows needed corrected
saturation needs dropped
probably use more shadowing
coat picked up some serious shine

Pulled the render. Will repost

Pulled whole center of forehead forward … some
sharpened eyebrow region. Added more depth to inner corner of eye
added more volume to cheeks on either side of corners of mouth.
decreased shadow size to .4 from “1” in previous Pic to increase shadowing.
increased eyebrow size to .02 tapering to .01
recessed butt chin more, flattening chin region some.

need to fix inner eye tear gland area

Redone Head. slightly more organic flow… Looking back, I see the face was too broad and flattened. Used an Eastern european head as reference for a base mesh.

  • Two suns overhead and HDRI background world illum

  • mouth needs work. flattening and tightening lips. Beard needs redone.

  • chin is too jutted

But its a good direction.

  • added newer beard.
    -tightened lips, comressed mouth region. more foreward lean with upper lip muscles
  • increased down outward slant of eye brows.
  • recessed and pulled back fore cheek area
  • widened mouth cheek area
  • nostrils more open
  • recessed chin mass a bit more.
  • added a normal map for skin pores, bumps, but… I had to smooth out the eyebrow hairs in the normal map, and have to figure out how to add skin texture to that region.
  • greatly reduced number of guide hairs
  • reduced chest volume of jacket, smoothed front,
  • And … that’s about it…

PS: Nearly forgot - I cheated on the eye corneas. Photoshopped in some grey eye close ups. As placeholders and also to check look, color, and cornea size … So shoot me. I like it. Closer.

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Not certain why, but I’m noticing, a short while after I post pics of my work, they seem to lose soft shadowing.

In fact They appear much darker, overall. Particularly with large files. This picture of Viggo originally you could see color in the hair and beard, and even make out hairs. But now, the hair is almost one black mass. And the beard is almost indistinguishable.

It’s almost as if, they’ve been copied over and then re-posted as JPEG’s with reduced resolution.

I really notice this in many of my PIcs which were posted…

A repeat post of the pic…
All the updates to Viggo are two post up in 169 …

  • stuff.,…

changed SSS mix to .6 strength of diffusion map - increased green influence.
reduced strength of forward illum sun lamp. To increase shadowing
Redid jaw and chin geometry. To create more appropriate quad flow along the jaw line.
added specular diffuse map

Update …

Profile to check forms.

Smoothed brow mass above and between his eyes

Adjusted mandible above upper lip

temp removed specular map

redid jawline and chin geometry and quad flow.

Lips are not tight enough yet, And the mouth projects too far forward.

Subdivided beard mesh to make beard underlay conform more uniformly to face planes.

Yeah, he’s my most in the ball-park variant of Aragon, to date. Eyes are a little sleepy looking. And again, this posted version is dark. but overall recognizable.

Also, I look back over my previous attempts and it’s amazing how awful they were.
Really painfully bad.
But to my mind, each appeared at the time to be close replicas to Viggo in various ways. Every time. That’s a strange syndrome. And I wouldn’t chalk it up to self delusion, rather … I think the brain simply clearly perceives an end state, and if you make one small improvement in the work, It creates movement towards that end state. And feels like you crossed the goal line. Very strange.
Well, … to those who urged this work along, or conversely, those who watched for amusement or morbid fascination, I know this work is close to done.

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Increased forward sun lighting to 10 but slightly reduced environmental lighting to strength of 3
Weight painted the beard mesh to reduce sharp boundaries

hair is rough, but facial forms looking corrent

Again, though, although the render was very bright, the upload for this picture again has very dark contrast and zero color in the hair and under eyebrows.

Is this topic still a thing?

Did a once-over of Viggo reference photos. And then redid the geometry and quad flow of jawline, chin, cheeks, and inner part of eye orbit next to nose.
it helped …

Yes Bro. Off and on.