Raptor Short film- Blender vfx and animation

Hello Beautiful community! Hope everyone is safe.

Here is my last short film with, for the first time, VFX made with Blender.

The biggest challenge was the Raptor integration and animation. Initially I planned to create a HDRI of the scene but it didn’t work out for various reasons. I ended up creating the lights manually in Blender.

I tried to match the lights and reflection of the scene the best I could using spot lights and emission planes. It’s far from being perfect but, for a first time, I am pretty happy with the result.

For the composition and final integration I used Davinci resolve. I think the grading adds a lot to the integration.

I shot the movie with an Ursa mini pro so the image had an “organic” feel which was hard to reproduce with Blender. The way i finally did it was by using a lens blur effect inside Resolve.

I will post a complete behind the scenes and tutorial in about 2days.

Hope you will like the short film and thanks for watching :slight_smile:


Very cool and very well done.

an idea for improved integration could be to use a placehoder for the raptor to cast a shadow. I am referring to min 1:34. You could use a box or so to cast a shadow onto the person and cut it out in postproducion. Just an idea.

Awesome anyway.

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Wow i was looking for a way to do the shadow! Do you really think a simple box would have done the trick? Then i shape it manually ?
Anyway thanks so much for your feedback! Cheers

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Hey there,
Really cool stuff, as hum-bee said the shadow on the actress would go a long way in grounding the raptor. Overall looks really cool, you did a very good job on matching the lighting, it almost looks like a practical effect. Reminds me a lot of Jurassic Park. You might want to consider uploading to youtube in 4k tho, even if the original video is in 1080p, as it will help with the compression and bitrate of the video.
Great job.

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Hey! Thanks for the feedback man! Really means a lot! I will consider those tips for my next creation for sure!
Thanks again!