Very cool Anthony!
Pretty cool anthony ! Maybe you could try with another testure for the ground. For now your model is kind of lost in all this grey
I will see what I can do about the ground, thanks for the feedback.
Thanks Vicky
Hey anthony,
the design is quite cool imo. But looking at this and some of you other works, I get the feeling that you are struggling at lighting your scenes. If you allow, I would like to give you tipp.
If you are creating a scene it’s good if you start by creating a scene mockup. A mockup that has all the characteristics that you want to catch in your final render. You place your “rat racer” in there and add a environment texture to tone your scene. You need it to have some kind of natural light coming from the skybox.
Go to: sIBL-Archive
This is a place were you will definitely find a setup for your scene.
After that you take the “_Env.hdr” from the file you just downloaded and map it to your environment texture.
This will set the mood for your scene.
Now you have to set up the shadows. Create a sun or a point light and try to adjust the shadows it’s drawing to your scene.
You can do that with the render option in the viewport quite easily. Turn off the textures though,…because it’s much smoother to align up shadows without reflections or things bouncing your light around the scene. The reflections come later.
If your shadows are aligned adjusted and ready, you can add/enable the textures on your model. To control the reflections on your model you need to create a sphere and scale it all the way up that it’s easily wrapping your scene. Go to the Object tap of this and disable all passes for the ray visibility exept for glossy. Now map the “_2k.hdr” to the sphere via a environment texture node. Don’t forget to change the texture mapping on this sphere to object. If you don’t do that you can’t rotate the texture on the sphere to change the reflection on your model.
Yeha and that’s basically it. Now you can control the reflections, tone lighting, and shadows separately. I hope that i got everything right. If you’r running into problems with this just mail me…and i help you with it.
Greetings from Hamburg,
WOW thank you for stopping by and taking the time to offer up such great detailed advice.
I’ll put this into action and see what I can work out, will post the result here.
Thanks also for the offer of help in the future, I may just take you up on that.:yes: