RBA 1: Adam

This is Adam, my first character of the year and of my latest character series, RBA.

Adam's short bio

Adam is in his late 20’s and early 30’s. A junior salesman and an art collector. When he’s not on a wild goose chase for his next art piece, he volunteers at an old age home.

Here’s the final render of the entire process:

As well as a medium long, clay render, shot:

Clay and Render comparison:

Lighting variations:

I tried varying the colors a bit, but didn’t like most of them except for this one:

Some color management changes:

I played around a bit here, as seen below:

And turn table:


This character began as a head sculpt I did last year December. Then throughout January, was developed into a full character, through various iterations in body size and type. I had a clear idea for the hairstyle and clothing so those were easiest to block out. All in all, the process was very enjoyable as it was challenging. I wanted to improve my clothing realism from the previous artwork series, into a more detailed approach. I was unsure if a cloth sim would be better (artistically), but since I’m also trying to get better at sculpting I thought I’d give it a try(admittedly, my anatomy needs some work but I found sculpting the clothing details to be more forgiving on my mouse). The number of reference images and videos for this artwork was higher than my previous work but I think the artwork benefited from it.

I hope you like it :grin: and feel free to give any feedback


Ohh it looks amazing. There are some things that could give a plus to what is already there. If you can, add SSS to the skin shader (a low scale, make it subtle) and to the hair you could add a bump texture to accentuate the hair strands (first unwrap and order the uvs correctly) in addition to activating the anisotropy, like this:


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Thank you very much for your feedback friend :smile:. I gave it a shot and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. Here’s a comparison of the medium renders:

Thanks again for the tips, it’s highly appreciated

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you very much :smile:

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