Re-baking a see-through texture right

I created a plane and assigned a see-through image to it. After creating a new UV map and re-arranging UVs, I baked a texture next to the original one for a side-to-side comparison to demonstrate the loss of brightness.

It may seem like the text below is more see-through than the one above, however, once converted to a mask, the gray is of the same shade in both. With the mask disabled, the difference becomes more apparent

I would like to ask if there is a way of preventing this? All I need is for blender to move areas of a texture into a new place, based on UVs. Thank you in advance.

Please note that this is a dramatically simplified example. In my original file, too many UV islands were moved, so it would be too troublesome to move areas of textures individually as well.
test.blend (112.5 KB)

I can’t check because the image is missing.
The predictable problem is that some of the images seem to be recognized as Alpha.

Connect and adjust the Color Ramp to Alpha.

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You can’t bake transparency flattened to RGB and expect to get the same result…

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Thank you very much for your suggestion, that did the trick :man_bowing:

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as @joseph said alpha will be flattened to RGB… so more transparency is darker colors in the RGB values and on top of that alpha will be added, the color ramp solution is a nice and fast work around to tweak but you have to eye ball the results

if you want a more precise results and color fidelity don’t plug the Alpha in the principal BSDF and bake an opaque image to get the exact RGB. note im just looking at the color with no transparency from the original image.

then use compositor or any other software that can do and take the alpha of the original image, then export that as your new texture

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oops, sorry missed the point of baking from one UV-Layout to another so the original alpha channel as is, will not work as intended with the new UV’s, so you should bake the alpha separate as a color before combining it

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