Re-introducing myself

It has been a couple years since I posted here. I got nowhere trying to learn Blender from C4D until January when C4D stopped effectively working on my version of Mac OS. So since then, motivated by not being able to do 3D and a lack of actual work contracts I went full force into Blender and made progress!

I am at the point of making my first short film, an adaptation of H P Lovecraft’s “The Hound”. Here is my first test clip in colour and B&W.

If anyone is interested, this was my last film made in C4D and give an idea what my work has been like.
I will caution it isn’t bloody but it does cover dementia and includes suicide by putting it in a gothic horror context. It was a very personal project for me.

I have to say, having made the switch, I am very excited at how much easier 4.0 is to understand and how involved the community is making addons and finding ways to get more out of the software at a price even I can afford! (mostly) I look forward to being more involved here as I was on the C4D forum for decades.


Cool stuff. Keep us posted on your progress.

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Thank you, I am very hesitant to reach out online but I have heard only good things about this community and being a bear of very little brain, I am sure I will need help with things!

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