Reading Wagon

Thanks James, I have read a little about layers and masks and it probably will be the best way to do it. I will try out this method for final renders. For the moment I am trying (unsuccesfully) to stop rendering an concentrate on adding detail. Rendering encourages me but is not productive!

Well, I should have been modeling but I havn’t!
I got a bit stuck on the reflections of the background image. I tried with masks but the problem is that i want to mask only parts of the glossy reflections. I have also tried saving all the rays seperately in an exr, I managed to work out how seperate the glossy rays that where the problem but the solution always ended up some way or another in gimp. I think I have gone around in circles on this and ended up doing a simple edit in gimp with 2 renders (one with the widow lights planes and one without.)

In the mean time I had a look at Jame’s classy dog films and got inspired to make an equirectangular image.
I was not familiar with these images and they amaze me (especialy when you get in!).
As I wanted to make a large image - to “get in” I tried tweaking render times changing tile sizes ect. I have to use CPU as the blend is out of bounds for my 1G-GPU.
Anyway I rendered this image with 24 samples and 1024 light bounces for all rays (max and min), It seems to take about the same amout of time to render the noise out but higher bounce numbers make nicer reflections, refractions ect. At least that’s the sensation I got. The render took 29 hours and was 6144 by 3072! I have halved it for this post. I will post a full version on flikr (and post the link).
I have deliberately over done the lighting inside, maybe too much.
I hope you like it… hopefully I’ll get back to adding detail.


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I really like the paint shaders in this scene (the wheel). It looks just like enamel paint.

Thanks, the setup is simple, here is a screenshot:

I have based all the painted textures on this setup.

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I’ve finally put the kettle on! So your all welcome for tea. A couple of renders to keep the thread alive!

The tea set.

I am still fiddling with the inside, but have now decided to change the background photo for an “blender made” environment. I plan to do this in a separate blend and make an equirectangular image to project as the background, manly for memory reasons.

I have started work on the horse, although I think he will end up grazing in a field, not hauling the wagon! This will all take time as I am working on things at the same time.

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Sorry been absent for a while, I decided not to finish the horse for the moment. Basically because I got stuck on hair. I did not want to model the mane so I started growing it, with disappointing results. This led me to hair tutorials and I got totally diverted to character modeling and hair experiments.
Here is the “off topic” outcome:

I also tried to make an environment, but the results were not convincing.
This is about as far as I got:

In the end I decided to finish the model of the wagon as it is.
I added a very important missing item, the “lions heads”. I had been avoiding them deliberately but now I feel that the wagon would not be complete without them. The “lions heads” were the outlets of a gutter on the sides of the roof – when it rained water came out of there mouths! They were certainly an emblematic feature, so here they are, (I have taken liberties, they do not resemble the originals – which I were never fond of).

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I decided to give the model enough geometry to render with no subdivision and economize on verts as much as possible. The result is still a heavy file 761,474 verts but does not need (although will hold subdivision). These final renders have no subdivision (I did apply smooth shading).

I have changed the texture on the teapot, the old was part of a vintage image. It is now original.

I will post some more renders soon and hopefully call a halt! I would like to try to sell the model, I’m not sure if it would be technically “useful”. If anybody has any suggestions on this they are more than welcome.


wow that is some crazy model / texture. beautiful.

Gosh, I don’t know how I missed this, but you are doing a wonderful job on it. The details you have added absolutely make this a fantastic project. I’ll look forward now to following this thread.

Thanks for the comments, you probably missed it because I post on average every 6 months! I have been going on for 2 years now, I have been doing many other things in the mean time. Here are a couple more of the interior, a new equiangular will come up one day.
sorry about the resolution and noise interior renders take longer.

Although these renders do visually resemble the old ones the model topology is actually very different. These renders were done with no Subdivision.


Here is a fish-eye and an equirectangular view of the final interior. Sorry that I have not spent much time on lighting and resolution is not great it took 29 hours to render the first equirectangular image and I now do not have the “computer time!” one day I shall update.


I have recently corrected the spring hangers as they were slightly wrong :frowning:
They will now “work” in real world :slight_smile:

Here are the new ones:

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I missed those latest interior renders. They are amazing looking.

That’s really nice work.

The only real issue I see is that the shadows on the exterior color version don’t seem quite realistic for an outdoor scene. It’s like they have been softened by a secondary light source like a photo flash or some such.

You are right, the lighting is not very natural, I think the reason is the lack of an enviroment - the model just picks up (and is softened by) the background color which is plain and dullish. I do want to make a final image with a worthy enviroment one day, unfortunatly my experiments have totaly diverted me to another project that is taking up all my computer time! The photo I used for the fist images in the thread worked very well but I do want make a cg enviroment, which is why I descarded it.
I have not “given up” and will get round to it when I can. I have worked on this model for over two years and I needed a mental beak!
Thanks everyone for your comments as they help me strive on.
To be continued…

I am really glad you linked to this because it is amazing work and I would have never seen it otherwise.

If it weren’t a tad older than Bart’s 3-4 months, we should feature it. :wink:


same as @piranha4D here.
glad to see this that maybe i will have seen if it wasn’t for a link.

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