Real Environments addon

Real Environments is an addon that allows you to easily add procedural environments to your scene.

We deeply believe in a completely procedural future and this pack of biomes is another step toward that future.
Since the biomes are 100% procedural, you can create an infinite amount of different patterns.
This addon comes with 10 different procedural biomes. The UI panel makes it easy for you to add the shaders. The materials adapt to the shape of whatever object you are applying it to.


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


Thank you!

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I just went through “some” of the info page and I cannot see where there are inputs to alter the biome layouts that you supply. I get that textures adapt to the landscape forms but how do I alter what those will look like?

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Every Shader is composed like this, mapping node connected to the procedural texture nodegroup


congrats lord Wolf. You did it once again. Well done.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the quick answer about mapping textures but what are the variables for the various landscapes other than height and water level?

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They are thought to be simple and clean, so you can see that Removed slider controls the amount of canyons. These are the “essential” parameters, you can also change the color of the canyon if you need


It would be good to have a tutorial video showing actually how it works.

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There is a step by step guide on how to use it in the website

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What is the function of the water level controller, what do I do with it?
Canyon (default setting) has very large Voronoi artifacts when rendering, can you change it ?


Hey, so for the water you have to add a plane object with glass material and use a noise texture as bump. The water level allows you to set the level of the seaweed. Those voronoi bumps are not artifacts, they are made to give the impression of a rocky surface.

The voronoy bumps unfortunately look very unrealistic.
Too bad that there is no ready water around the with the water level can control !.

Greetings from Germany

Well, for the voronoi, you can always remove it, open the nodegroup and delete it from the nodes. And for the water, think about displacing a single plane, if you have a water shader (using the glass node) you would see through it, and so you would see the hdri below the plane, not ideal at all :wink:

What an amazing sites. Thanks for posting.

Hi, I am trying to install your addon in Blender 3.4. It is a bit unclear how it works. I have two zip folders, one saying (Geometry Nodes) and containing blend files. The other one seems to be the add-on structure. When I install the one with a python file from Blender, I get the biomes thumbnails, but nothing happens when I press “add.”

Then I also tried opening each landscape from the Real Environments Geometry Nodes folder. That works, not as an add-on, but as a blend file you need to open or append.

What is your proposed workflow to make use of the “addon”? Appending independent blend files or there is actually an integrated system with a menu within Blender?

Also, the Geometry Node setup is quite low resolution, and I can not find any parameter in the modifier that allows you to crank the subdivision.

I can see the screenshots you shared are really nice and high-resolution, but what I am opening looks quite far in quality. Where is the parameter to improve the quality?

Thank you !

This is a necro, but since voronoi obviously doesn’t look good on the canyon, would you have any idea how to implement custom rock texture displacement to add some reality to the overall canyon shape?