I hope this link works https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/444871269436051043/visual-search/?x=12&y=15&w=530&h=495
It’s the blue part of the goggles behind the eye pieces. I’ve tried extruding a circle and proportional editing but with disastrous results. What approach or type of modeling should be used? also i only have this one reference image so i can’t trace it out or anything.
The name of the product is pretty clear
You need a certain amount of resolution to get the correct result:
Givenchy_VR_01.blend (449.4 KB)
A cylinder with 48 sides is sufficient, also, the picture of the top view helps too
Thanks this gives me more images to work from… Also i now realize it’s not all one piece and the cylinder pieces can be separated. now i can work on this, this evening as a relaxing project… Thanks a lot.
The goggles are a single block, the lenses are obviously separated, but the body is made of a single piece, I made only half without connecting it to make it quick, as the other part is just a flat piece that connects the them together and the bridge.
Inside there’s a soft part that is made of another material, that’s there to make them wearable.