Realistic ArchViz from Cycles to Eevee (with tips)


Chipp does have at gumroad my standard ekGlass glass shader, I am not sure if it is updated with my color glass and thin glass shaders.

Please see my thread on realistic glass for Eevee at Realistic Glass. I describe shaders for standard, color and thin glass. Their is also information on lighting to get good glass reflection.

In windows facing the outside even when the environment is bright I do use some reflection. I recommend “thin glass” shader. To create it use my realistic glass shader and replace the “Glass BSDF” node with a “Transparent BSDF” node. Objects close to the window will reflect back into the window. This gives a more realistic interior. What is not needed for thin glass shader is refraction which can cause some Eevee artifacts.

Here is example of using small amount of reflection on a window from one of the above scenes from chocofur. Notice the reflection on the glass in the image see below:

If light is not going through make sure to check all material properties including blend mode. Check my realistic glass thread for detail information.

GI is needed for realistic lighting in Eevee it is accomplish by using irradiance volume probe. Check my “Classroom benchmark” for a full example, link at the top of this thread.