Realistic brick?

Would you say this is realistic brick?

Didn’t really know if there was an easy way to make a brick wall, so I thought up my own way. :slight_smile: Takes about ten minutes, and it seemed effective. I think the edges could be a bit sharper, and the mortar could use a stucci texture, but otherwise, I think it’s alright. Any crits and/or comments? I can post a tutorial if anyone wants it.

EDIT: Here’s an update:

was that done with a displacement map, of did you model it? :o
It looks like you modeled it. It definantly gets good results, but you could probably get equal results with a few good displacement maps. Any way, I would be interested in seeing how you did it. that is a good brick wall!

Looks more like red jello then bricks :wink:

was that done with a displacement map, of did you model it?
It looks like you modeled it. It definantly gets good results, but you could probably get equal results with a few good displacement maps. Any way, I would be interested in seeing how you did it. that is a good brick wall!

Modeled it, I don’t know how to do displacement maps. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks more like red jello then bricks

Yeah, It looks pretty smooth. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll see if I can tweak things a bit.

Turn off the Spec, they look very shiny at the moment.

Also, you should probably use displacement mapping instead of modelling all the bumps. I’m sure you could do a search on elysiun or google for a tute or something, but they’re not that hard to do anyway.

quite honestly the first pic looks like a bunch of square burger patties.
But the other images are 'aight.

i know bricks, and they are not that curved at all.
they have sharp edges.
and that is all I have to say.

And they aren’t this flat, and they don’t have this color, and they have to stick together somehow, they don’t just float in the void, etc. I mean if you want to get realistic bricks, that is. If you just want something that covers a wooden plate (which you might call a wall), and resembles bricks from far, than it’s fine, you just need to work on the lighting and the environment to make it look real. But bricks are the wall itself, they are sharp, they are burnt, you can draw with them (well, with some), and they are put on top of each other with mortar (the greyish stuff) in between. (Don’t quote me on that word -“mortar”-, I only know the word in my language, but the dictionary said this was the English on for it).
By the way, it would be cool if they were curved tho, you wouldn’t need such thick gloves to work with them :slight_smile:

Thanks, everyone, I think I’ll learn displacement mapping. :slight_smile:

Only use displacement mapping if you think you’ll actually need it, it requires a high subsurf level or a dense mat of verticies to look nice and can take a little while to render depending on the image.

seeing the meat bricks, a question springs to mind: is it possible to resize several poligons each one around its center? that would be useful imo. not that is really needed for bricks :slight_smile:

Ale: Of course ;). There is a button called ‘Rotation/Scaling Pivot’ next to the Layer Switches in your 3D View’s header. Just select ‘Individual Object Centers’ there.

i would use a nor map instead of a disp map. unless you will be seeing the edge from a downward angle, a nor map should work fine, and whereas with a disp mapped mesh, it would have to be quite high poly, with a nor map, all you need is 1. just a plain old plane. also, i agree about the spec,…should be turned off. also, there is a software that was mentioned in ‘other softwar’ that is actually for masonry and construction people, and is basically a custom brick wall texture maker that use photographic brick textures to produce the result. you can specify things like how you want them staggered, color/texture, etc. the only drag is that you have to use it online, but it’s pretty cool.

To be fair, I’ve seen bricks that have been glazed. If this is the look you are after, then the specular settings are fine. If they aren’t glazed bricks, then I too agree that you need to eliminate (or greatly reduce) the spec setting.

seeing the meat bricks, a question springs to mind: is it possible to resize several poligons each one around its center? that would be useful imo. not that is really needed for bricks icon_smile.gif

With an inset scale function, yes. Not in Blender’s toolset right now, but I think Joeedh is working on incorporating several wings-like tools into Blender. We’ll just have to wait and hope for the best:)

thank you thoro and bellorum, i also thought it impossible. well, let’s hope for the better! :slight_smile:

about bricks, should be quite easy to render the texture inside Blender, as orthographic - both bump and color, then tile it in Gimp or Photoshop. displacement is no option imo, if bricks come near to the camera they should be modelled. displacement will create artifacts on edges and a brick texture not quite smooth.