Hi all…im working on a fictional character, i have the basics of the head and body sorted but now im now starting to develop the clothing but as you can see in the screen shots, they are very stiff and lifeless. how can i add crinkles etc…to the mesh to make it look more natural. Ive seen something about the cloth modifier, will this help and how do i use it?
just quick reply. You can apply a soft body modifier to the skirt and a collision modifier to the human.
These you can find under the Physics tab of the properties view.
Then hit ALT-A to make the skirt fall onto the human. This will give a natural looking. The crinkles will come automatically
Hope that helps!
you could also try the cloth simulator I’m having the same problem as you with my Jedi Knight =)
OK thanks for the replies…good to have the forum back A jedi night…small world, my character is a sith lord