Inspired by the “Murder of Crows” vigor from the new BioShock: Infinite I’ve decided to go ahead and try bird modeling. It seems lots people are having trouble with making and rigging wings. Here is what I made until now:
Hey, well I hope my thread is going to help you then! Here are the rigger wings. I’m not sure weather to texture the body as if there are feathers, or to make them with the particle system … or both!
Good work. The eyes are a little bit irritating although. Had a quick conversation with Mr. Google and every crow he showed to me had simply black eyes.
^^ Words almost right from my tongue and I believe that the eyes should be a bit more out (do not know how to properly describe, sorry). Btw wanted to ask the author: Are you going to do some animation with it? Would love to see some.
@minoribus This crow is a realistic representation of the real deal but it’s inspired by the Murder of Crows from BioShock and apparently they have yellow eyes (look bellow).
@orux Hmm… I checked the eyes and they look fine? maybe the screen is taken from a weird position. Yes I will most definitely animate it
@tobbew I know the bird you speak of. I am still deciding whether to do the same.
I am currently working on the body texture so no new screens today, sorry
Now that I was looking at these pictures for a longer time I realized that that might be just a reflection and the eye might actually black. Oh well, when I apply the body texture I’ll see how it goes.
Really looking forward to seeing how this will turnout! Looking at: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=crow&FORM=HDRSC2 It seems to me the tail is proportionally too short. Or is it too flat in a way so it’s not visible in this render?