Realistic Cycles cloth material (with textures) tutorial

Hi everyone.
First of all sorry if this question was already posted here (I’ve searched but didn’t find anything similar), in that case hope someone can address me to a previous thread.
I’m making a model and I’m struggling with the cloths material, nothing procedural (I’m REALLY bad in this things), I have all the maps including Normals baked from the original project made in Marvelous Designer but I really can’t achieve nothing convincing, I’m searching for a good tutorial but not for beginner, or at least some tips from someone here for a decent result.
Someone can help?
Thank you in advance!

Could you be more specific, please?

What kind of fabric are we talking?
What does you current result look like?
In what way is that “not convincing”?
How are your nodes set up?

Plenty of cloth materials on this thread - although many do seem to be procedural.

you could also try downloading some from here

Moony thank you for the links, I’ll do a look at them later!

IkariShinji I’m working on the clothes for a character (a jeans and a fabric jacket), I’ve tried two simple setup for the node material, the first is a basic diffuse+velvet in a mix shader mixed with a Fresnel node with Ior at 1.2, the second one is the same but instead of the diffuse node I’ve used a subsurface scattering trying to replicate the little absorption of light of the cloth in real life.
Here’s a test render of the two different setup, in the diffuse one all looks flat and the color are a bit too bright (I’ve used after a saturation node to adjust them), instead in the Subsurface one the shadow are crushed, in both setup the Fresnel node is way too hard and all is really noisy.
What I’m doing wrong?

I prefer the SSS version, and don’t think the shadows look crushed, but a touch of AO or using Environment Lighting can help that. Also consider using a very low Scale value for the SSS node. My models are at the 1BU = 1m scale and I use .001 to .003 for my cloth SSS Scale values, corresponding to a thickness of 1 - 3 mm max. The effect becomes very subtle but does improve over the base Diffuse-only approach. Possibly useful tip: I place HSV adjustment nodes at the inputs of all my Diffuse, Glossy, Velvet and SSS nodes so the effects of each can be tweaked to a fine degree. Occasionally HSV gets replaced by RGB Curves if more finesse is needed.

What bothers me most in both images is that the warp & woof of the fabric is running at very odd angles in portions of the pants legs. With pants legs that are so tightly contoured to the legs your unwrap is bound to be somewhat distorted, so it helps when the fabric’s threads texture is very evident, to go into the UV map and make the Us & Vs at least roughly parallel and at right angles to one another, and running parallel to the threads patterns of your image texture. The sewn-on pockets look to be handled this way and the texture lays more naturally on them.

Thank you for the tips chipmasque