All critique and feedback on how to make the image feel more “realistic” is very welcome (any feedback at all really is more than appreciated)
It looks really good! I think there is somethign with the composition and the light that makes it look a bit strange. The light coming from the right side…mmm its a bit strange, maybe is cause the cone is cutting exactly at the tangent of the opening for sewer. The robot (was it bender? the name) its illuminated in a way that contrast a bit too much wit the rest. I would also try with emission just to experiment how it looks and to add some “realism” if that’s what you are for. But I really like it! I meant the eyes and mouth (if this was real) should look like a screen right? My memories are a bit blur…In my mind the robot emit light from the eyes and mouth. Also maybe you could add glow to the lamps in the background?
Maybe the strangeness of light is based on the fact that the light sources, the right car and the left street light aren’t (partly) visible? (But on benders feet are two blueisch light on the left an one yellow on the right). I think the pipes in the background are to clean (yet there is some grease on the building ; didn’t look at ref from orig cartoon). And even if it’s a night scene, the building of thee Planet Express HQ is barely visible (you modeled it, so show it).
I think, the buildings are already pretty realistc. In my oppinion some debris on the walkway and some wear and tear and dirt on the street can do magic. the zerbra stripes (is it called that in english as well?) might have brake tracks or are partially torned off. take a look at some reference photos (people telling you that flying cars don’t cause wear are wrong )
Regarding blender it really depends how far the downwards spiral of realism do you want to go: His livestyle certainly would have left marks on him. Some ideas: Bumps, leakage down the legs (like at the pipes), corrosion. polished blank parts from usage/rubbing, scratches around the hinge …
It is a good render and setup and might be already at the sweet spot between realism and reminesce to the original comic style. But you asked for it .
I can almost hear him say “Bite my shiny metal a…”
While bender is by his own admission shiney and metal, I think making the metal a bit rougher would help.