Realistic Glass Shader for Blender Cycles

Realistic Glass Shader

I worked the past weeks / months on a new customizable Glass Shader for Blender Cycles.
It works with 2.79 and 2.8
The Main features are

  • Dispersion
  • Caustics (faked, but who cares as long as it looks good)
  • Volume Absorbtion and Scatter
  • Raylength Absorbtion
  • 2 different outputs; 1 for quality and 1 for render speed
  • Caustics only output
  • And it is fully customizable
    • Caustic Saturation
    • Caustic Brightness
    • Caustic Contrast
    • Dispersion Amount

I had a lots of help from Gelb Alexandrov, many thanks again. He helped finding bugs, gave tips to implement new features and so on!

Still not convinced ?
Here is a comparison

Want to see some Artworks from amazing artists like Icesturm?

Did I convince you? You can check out the Shader on Blendermarket <---- *Advertisment

If you buy the Shader you support me and the Blender Foundation because they get some money for every sale!

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Looks great!

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