Realistic GOLD materials for objects such medals

Hi everyone !

I’m modeling in Blender for around 2 years and can now model about everything I need without much problem …

But when it comes to rendering technics, textures, materials etc… ( everything that is not modeling ) I’m completely our of the run … :smiley:

So, I ask you please if you could point me to some tutorials or PDF’s/lessons, to learn from the early beginning how to use materials and rendering techniques at best to obtain photorealistic renders.

My goal today is to give my Military medal the exact same gold look as this one :

I know here there are plenty of stuff going on behind the scene … using nodes, cycle engine etc. But I don’t really know what exactly Cycle engine is, the advantages/inconvenient in respect of Blender default engine etc

The guy who rendered those Gold ingots released the materials used :

After opening the Gold shaders in Blender 2.70, I found myself totally lost and unable to do anything, even by copying same values to a new scene with my already modeled medal, I couldn’t get anything looks like that.

Any ideas where to start from, to properly understand and master ( or at least try to ) all major techniques to have photorealistic renders ?

Thank you very much,

OP - can you post the results (renders) you did get - then it’ll give us a starting point to advise.

As RickyBlender states - the lighting and the background can often be as important as the material itself - especially when dealing with reflective materials.

In that specific image - there also looks to be some compositing using the glare node in particular.

Thanks for link !

Here is current state :

I would love to have such glossy and realistic reflections like on the link I put above ( GOLD ingots ) or even this :

Thank you

can you show model as wiremesh at some angle
so we can see the 3D model

what light set up did u use ?

happy cl

You can try Metal-KN in my NodePack. It is an accurate Formula for Metal, including Gold. Just use it as Color. (This Setup itself is not made by me, i just extended it with more Metal-Values)

Nothing interesting to see on the Wireframe … just a high poly object ( 75 000 ) with beveled edges.

Ok Bashi, downloaded your Nodepack but it’s huge ! I don’t know where to start as I think I should know how nodes works …

mind giving a short tutorial on how to use your node pack in an existing blend??

I would really like to know how to do colored metals (actually metallic fabric but…)

File ->Append, browse into that file’s materials or groups…Choose from Materials or add Node Group in your working file.

I think the key to a good gold or silver material is the lighting that is reflected off the gold or silver object. if you google “photography studio HDRI” you will get multiple lighting setups you can use and an environmental lighting texture.

Hi guys, thanks for your inputs.

I tried them all, gave the nodepack a try and also tried various presets of " elbrujodelatribu "'s gold shader pack. With no satisfying results, I decided to seriously look at it this morning, with some video tutorials etc … I finally thought I had my settings ok and launched the render which loaded for around 9 hours before freezing the PC ( all that ended in a BSOD ). That wasn’t really a loss as I did not achieved my goal.

This is why I ask if one of you could generously edit this .blend and add the appropriate light, materials and render settings to looks like this then send me back the .blend ? ( I would need this to make several wallpaper of various resolutions so need the .blend )

I feel really sorry and embarrassed of asking you to do this but I have no other solution, as I said, I investigated the matter and it’s a huge world on it’s own ( photorealistic rendering and lightning techniques ) and I truly don’t have the time to learn all that …

If you can’t or don’t want I truly understand, but I know there are a lot of geniuses here who wouldn’t need even 10 minutes to reach that.

I know I’m really " dumb " as the guy even posted the link and the name of the preset used :

Thank you very much

did you add an HDRI Map to get nice reflections ?

and try to add like a small sun lamp

I think there is a file like that at blendswap
did you try it ?

here is sample file with one type of gold

goldtypical1.blend (157 KB)

I was unable to pack HDRI map
but you can find some on the web

follow instructions

adjust world intensity
mine is a little too high compare to your pic!

happy bl


That was THE easy solution I was looking for ! After installing sIBL GUI and appropriate Blender Python script, and a quick hour of trying different scenes and fine tuning parameters, I finally achieved what I was looking for.

Thank you Ricky

sorry but what is this gui and script thing ?

did not need that


This is exactly what you guys talked about earlier. Pre-made presets of sceneries and lightning environment ( ) the GUI is simply the little app that manage those " themes ". Then the script as a Python add on that has to be installed in Blender, where it does run a local server which communicate with the sIBL GUI ( preset manager ) so you can instantly load any preset and see the result directly into Blender ( link via the local server ). That is very handy !

But you do realize that you can browse and load .hdr and .exr files directly within Blender, without using an external app and that scripting mumbo-jumbo?

ok I never really used that script
but for complicated world set up I guess it is easier for multi files set up

but the file I uploaded is simple with only one light map no color enviro map at all
which is not really needed in your case I guess

happy cl

Thank you Ricky Blender, I added a small, subtle voronoi bump texture to the gold material you posted, and it works great!