Realistic Internet Simulator

Aka “kill the popups”.

I got 142, the I got tired and clicked wrong.

lol…I got 41 and I click “Free Stuff” lol

nice very realistic simulator! :-?


27 ‘killed pop-ups’. i like the new corprate portal one. lol

102, then an evil laugh and the blue screen of death :frowning:

It’s not an evil laugh, it’s a scream of apprehension and pain.

189 that time.

HAHAHA, I laugh at you rookies.
259 before I got BSODed. :stuck_out_tongue:
BTW, that’s quite an invigorating soundtrack, isn’t it? Ah, the sound of dying pop-ups. It makes me very happy. :smiley:

…this is the coolest thing I have ever seen…

well, maybe not, but that was hilareous!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I love this! Kill the popups! HAHAHHAHAHAHA


That was SOOOOO good. It’s so much better than the other shoot’em ups :smiley: Now you must all bow before your master. 296 before I met my maker. And I already made my first mistake at 150. Damn now my muscles are all tense, I feel like i’ve run a marathon, and lost… It’s gonna be tough blendering now… Great link though.


You mean I wasn’t actually serfing the net?!

My new popup blocker blocked them all! Now I am going to advertise it on a popup on my site…

SILLY! I especially liked the “Used Panties,” not because I’m a pervert, but because every bit of spam I get is so useless… just like used panties!