Hi friends.
I’ve been working on the realistic procedural glass dust for last 3 days, and here is the latest result (will be updated once we find better way to implement).
As you may know, there are no any perfect material in our world Well, window glass is one of them. Since I’m working on modeling of a new building room now, I’ve decided to make my renders as close to real life as possible. And after week of modeling, rendering and composing (with all that familiar stuff like “mist pass”, “flying dust particles”, “depth of field”, surface imperfections and lens distortion) the only thing that still looks unreal is glass. Because there are no window glass in the world without a dust, blemishes or fingerprints.
So here is the node tree that will help you to implement procedural window dust with some random size blemishes on a surface. No textures. Only math. Works with any rectangular glass.
And sure, you can change size/specs of the blemishes, area of the dust, strength tweaking it in certain nodes. I’ll describe it using notes in the node tree later.
Of course, this way to create noise isn’t the best one, it has some issues. If you have any ideas how to improve this particular task, or how to implement realistic procedural dust - please, feel free to help with the development of this idea.
P.S.: Please, don’t post any idea with particle system, textures and weight/texture paint, because it is obvious and 5-500X more demanding for your system during rendering.
Can’t keep working on it right now, but i thought i’d post what i had - it’s in eevee/workbench in the viewport, so i can see my maps better.
Since my windows are placed on a converted freight container, which is supposed to sit in a desert,
it makes sense that dust would build up in the corners, so i added a tree for that. Most windows do that, unless it’s like a modern glass-only front. Might help someone (:
It doesn’t really do well, but my cycles viewport is hella noisy since i only have a mac at work.
So, to dial it in, i just used workbench. Could be made working in eevee tho!
Also, i was thinking: maybe a musgrave or noise texture with a high scale value into the bump/normal of the diffuse shader could help make it more dusty.
And then blend that into the mix factor as well so it fringes out on single pieces of dust, if you nahmsayin