There is something just not right about this.
Any ideas?
hmm hard to say as this is a really good model. I think it’s the mouth area that is too little defined.
And overall it feels a bit mushy, especially the texture is really soft. Maybe that is the problem and you need harder contrast…
But as i said this is really good. You captured the form really well
Very good model indeed. Maybe the horns should be less shiny? Furthermore I’d suggest to add a detail texture with small sharp wrinkles
Dang that looks great. I looked at this for a while and think I may have come up with what you thought was wrong.
Rhino’s aren’t meant to have perfect horns. They use these horns to dig, defend, look aggressive etc. The one closest to the eye would not see nearly as much action as the main horn that grows much faster than the other. Perhaps add some detail where the larger horn has some “wear and tear”.
Rhino’s have perhaps the weirdest ears. You’ve almost nailed it, but I feel like they should be more open.
Try using a darker wood. With the light wooden plaque it’s kind of difficult to feel where the rhino’s neck begins and the plaque ends. Then again, I have no idea if you began to toss any textures onto this guys yet.
Hope this helped you out a bit!
Thanks! This helps a lot.
I will make some changes and post them hear.
Thanks! This helps a lot.
I will make some changes and post them hear.
Thank you for posting! It helps a lot.
I will make some changes and post them hear.
Hear is a revised addition of the rhino.
-made the horn more worn.
-made the horn less shinny.
-widened the eyes.
Boom! Looks great! I really love the new wood that you used. Really draws the viewers eyes to the rhino. Let’s the rhino ‘pop’ a bit more than it did before.
Yes I agree looks great the thing that needs some changes perhaps is that it still appears to have no mouth.
I think the wood material isen’t up to the rhino.
An eye in the eye socket would be great, taxidermist can’t use the real eye but they use glass or plastic eyes that look like the real one instead.
Some text on the plate will make sens.
Very impressive model by the way.
thanks for the complements!
I will try to make the changes.
Yes, I believe if the mouth were more obvious it would help - although this may be a matter of the perspective/angle the image is taken from. I also believe if the ear had more texturing/imperfections that would add to the realism as right now it is quite smooth/unblemished, and my conception of rhinos at least is that there are wrinkles/imperfections everywhere and the skin is rather thick and coarse in texture.