Realistic scene WIP

Hey blender artists.Here is what I got so far:

If anyone has any suggestions about light, texture, etc. please do tell, I am having a hard time making this look realistic. I tried using a dome light setup, but it comes out looking nearly the same, as with ray traced AO. And I do not want to use another program for rendering, not even yafray, I want to keep it all blender. :eyebrowlift2:

PS: The sphere in the middle is a bump test, there is no texture on it only bump, for some reason blender makes it look like texture more than bump. Any ideas about that?

PPS: There is also going to be a few hundred houses and buildings in the back of the scene, as well as a person on the porch and two giant robots fighting a few miles away, but that will have to come later.

a little update: