Reallistic Bathroom render

Hi people, here a work I have been developing as a challenge of modelling in a personal record, time 5 hours, since beginning. really I feel very satisfied with the result. I began from a photo as a reference I liked so much in instagram, I dont remember the source, the image was uploaded into a telegram group, and I have lost the reference source. then here are the image.

the scene consist in a bathroom, well decorated with an american federal style, with a decor that match with metal, flowers plants and an organic vibe.

here I post my progress, next time, the sink bathroom, and several moments of day to this scene. thank you viewers.

my settings are, octane render BStandalone Licensed (own), blender version octane, 200 samples + denoising. time of render 10 minutes.
devices: Lenovo Legion 5 rtx 2060. Ram 16 gb. Ryzen 5.

enjoy! :blender_logo_64_png:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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edition made in luxcore, very pleased with a friend who helped me with a model from the details and plant definition.