set some Empties around the Tanks.
when the Tank is moving, the Empties shall create Planes which have a simple Smoke Texture and Transparency.
let those Planes move upwards
Sorry if I am taking this thread off track but,
May I ask how you’ve managed to create the tank tracks?
I have found one way, but it slows down my frame rate alot, and is very complex (scripts, too many objects, etc.).
I need a very simple method.
I’ve also found another method that uses the UV Scroll script, but for some reason, no matter what I try, nothing happens.
Does this method require rigging?
—Read the entire post before doing anything—
►I think that the tracks work like a “gif” animation of a rotating cube (a simple sequence of frames which does NOT end up looking as in its first frame - keep this in mind, this will be the principle on which the tracks will be animated). Imagine that the tracks are a Snake - all you have to do is to shape key animate the tracks in a similar manner a snake would move:
►The snake is a cylinder which is subdivided transversally for multiple times.
►First thing to do is to have the tracks modeled in the same manner, but with rectangular sections instead of circles (as in the cylinder).
►Now, the animation will consist of making each rectangle( which are the “components” of the tracks) take the place of the one in “front” of them(just make sure you choose 1 way for both your tracks). ►This animation will play as Loop End until someone stops from Keeping the foot on the pedal.
►And finally, in order to have the tracks look well, you will want to have a seamless texture of a segment of a track which will be “present” on each face on the “longitude” of the tracks.
After doing what’s said in the youtube link, do what’s written below.
◄P.S. In order to make dupliframed objects be real, select the original object used for moving on your path/curve, and press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A (in object mode). ◄BEFORE converting the dupliframed objects to real ones, you will have to add a “loop end” animation for the “original” segment of the track (when a trigger is activated - just make sure you have a Sensor)) - then you will have the animation actuators already added for all the segments, and you will just have to simply connect them to the main trigger for putting them in motion.
I can’t get this to work in Blender 2.59. Everything works up until the “Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A”
I may have to downgrade to 2.49… Or is there another way instead of the “Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A” method?
I made the texture setup twice. And put a 2 behind the sensors in the script, and in the game properties panel, in game properties panel, set speed to -0.3 or wathever.
I have not testet it, but you could make a Scene in which you would set several X-Emitter Particle Systems and another Scene with the same Result via the Empty-Method and then take a Look at the Framerate and Performance Values.
Besides, you mean a 2-Polygon (/Face) Smoke Puff that have 4 Vertices – BUT since the Borders of these Faces would not be seen you also could take away one Face and use one Triangle instead with the full smoke Puff Texture on it. That would, at any Particle Count, give only half as many Polygons and thus better Performance! :}
On topic:
In my opinion, I’d use which ever one I feel is easier and faster to use.
Off topic:
My tank tracks are working OK in terms of moving in one direction, but I can’t find a way to control the direction in game engine.
I’ve tried changing the “speed” property, in game engine, to the opposite of what it is, but it still won’t work.
What I’m trying to do is: if down arrow is pressed, the tracks will scroll backwards, and if the up arrow is pressed, the tracks will scroll forwards.
Is there something that has to be changed in the script to accomplish this?
@paashaas - The X-Emitter won’t give the best performance with its built in particle types, but if you expand the template into your own custom particle system, it can run very quickly. At the very least, the X-Emitter should run faster, even with the generic particle systems included than pure logic bricks alone operating on the particles.