realtime stars: Tutorial, here it is!

I made a tutorial since the want for stars seems to suddenly have popped up.



MMh textures are missing? I don’t see any starts in there. :-?

The Tutorial is Great, but as jd said the textures is missing :wink: .
Good work

Very good tutorial, now I can make realistic stars more easily!


also get only pink rectangle, if I start with PKEY, then i can move a ball left and right. thats all I can see so far. what am I doing wrong ?

anyway - thanks for the great tutorial !

SabrinaG, pooba forgot to pack the textures in his demo, so all you have to do is actually do the tutorial.

Doh! I can’t believe i forgot that… It should be fixed now.


if you youse add, no alpha, you only need to use 3 planes, not 5 to the same effect :smiley:

Nice tutorial. My only comment is that stars would not move and give that kind of 3d effect…they are light years away. Only objects that are close to the camera would give that 3d effect…

Yes, i’m aware of that little fact, but if you WENT fast enough they would move… right? it’s still a cool effect :smiley:

“Yes, i’m aware of that little fact, but if you WENT fast enough they would move… right? it’s still a cool effect”

I agreed whith that! Sometimes art is more realistic than reality…


Yes, it’s a nice tutorial, but how would one apply this when not making a side scrolling game? In a game with truly 3D environments, one could end up banging into the stars, or in a position far enough away that he couldn’t see them anymore…

Howabout having the stars in a background scene?